Exhibit-A: Difference between the prototypical aligned and averaged pixel space image v/s the model-concocted image:
If this is this bad for the 'attractive' attribute (I don't condone the presence of such subjective garbage attributes in the first place), are the rest of them just filled with caucasian-esque images?
Surely, it must be the data. No?
Even if we consider only 'attractive' images, barely 5.9% of these images (1017) are 'female' and 'pale_skinned'.
As seen, there IS diversity that is ignored by the model.
Or, in other words, for Attractive, Male and Pale_skin, do the 'positive' and 'negative' directions both make sense visually?
Yep. They do!
JFC! What a hot mess. Scream into void
Examples of offensive imagery in the datatset