Project made for Web Programming course, available to test on
This project use PostgreSQL as Database, please make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running on your computer
Execute these lines in your terminal
composer install
npm install
cp .env.example .env
- edit .env
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan storage:link
After executing those lines, run php artisan serve
and npm run dev
simultaneously (use two terminal)
To access the web, please use localhost:8000
rather than as specific url (localhost) is required by some packages
For quick preview, image is available on docker hub and can be pulled by docker pull dta32/vern:latest
then step 2-3, but it's based on main branch, so if there's code changes can do step 1 first
docker build -t dta32/vern .
cp .env.example .env
(then edit accordingly)docker run -d -p {externalPort}:8080 --env-file .env dta32/vern:latest
Re-run these steps if there's any code changes
Can also use docker compose, it will autorun vern and database
- Step 1 and 2 on previous instructions
docker compose up -d
(make sure u have done db:seed)
- Normal user:
Password: 1234
- Admin
Password: adminadmin
Order yang dibayar menggunakan midtrans statusnya akan selalu berada di menunggu pembayaran karena ada code yang hanya dapat berjalan di production- Mohon gunakan email asli pada detail pemesanan dan forgot password, karena akan ada email yang dikirimkan ke email tersebut