Car Price Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
This is an algorithm that will predict the price of a car using some parameters. These are some parameters such as fuel type, door number, wheel base, engine location, car length, width, height, etc. from which the algorithm predicts the price.
├── Car Price Prediction
│ ├── Decision Tree # Prediction of Car Price using Decision Tree
| | ├── car price prediction.ipynb
│ ├── Multiple Linear # Prediction of Car Price using Multiple Linear
| | ├── car price prediction.ipynb
│ ├── Random Forest # Prediction of Car Price using Random Forest
| | ├── car price prediction.ipynb
│ └── Car Price Dataset # Dataset for Prediction
I have created this project in different algorithms which are decision tree, multiple linear variable and random forest. Among this, the accuracy of the project varies according to the algorithm.
- Random Forest : 90.3991 %
- Decision Tree : 87.7502 %
- Multiple Linear Variable : 78.3838 %