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Hierarchical task network example in Godot

This is the code source for my video on Hierarchical Task Networks, a game AI pattern.

In this project there is a NPC implementation with the following behaviour:

  • Roam
  • Look at player if too close
  • Get scared and run away if player jumps when close to them
  • Get tired after running away 3 times and rest for a bit
  • Collect coins when available

This is a sample project to validate HTNs, but it's not supposed to be production ready. Even though it works, there are a few caveats to consider as mentioned in the video.

By default, the project is going to run a scene with one NPC. You can run HTN_main_multiple_agents.tscn for a scene with multiple NPCs.

For this project, I used Kenney's 3D Platformer Starter Kit:


I'm happy to chat about anything game dev and answer questions about my projects. Feel free to comment on the youtube video for questions and discussions about this project.

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You can also open issues in this project, but keep in mind this is a sample, and even though I intend to keep it working, this is intended to be a demonstration for Godot 4 and I won't be expanding on it. Happy to chat about them though and discuss workarounds.