evildomains_dayof.pdf - Slides from "We're All Scriptkiddies: Evil Domains/Gatos Guardianes"
eddystonebeacon.sh - generate eddystone URL beacon (wip)
find_bt_hciname.sh - check for bluetooth addy (mac+1) via wifi mac
mubix-lock.sh / linklocal-mubix-lock.sh = variations on sniffing locked winboxen
autox.sh - sniff for probes, then try to cross reference 'em for bluetooth names
quickprobegrab.sh - quick pcap grab of probes in an area for later dissecting/ID
mdk3me.sh - spew out wifi-ssids (from test file)
karmacheck.py - spew out random wifi probes
mdkdowngradetest.sh - test downgrades on wifi
nmapme.sh - nmap -sP local network
house_hide.py - Spew out random probes from fake IoT devices
paper-- - scripts to detect HP printers w/ wireless direct on, and do stuff
dropkick.sh - Detect and deauth wireless cameras
callsomeonesaysomething.sh - Call someone, spew voice-synth message
ringmybell.sh - Call a phone # over and over
asterisk minimal install - Minimal install that'll work on nethunter N5
- required for "callsomeonesaysomething", others.