These files complement a series of articles at on getting started with Elasticsearch and Node.js.
Part 1 covers creating an Elasticsearch deployment and using Node to connect to it, index some documents and performing a simple text search. constituencies.js
and constituencies.json
are used in Part 1.
In part 2 we take a look at mappings in Elasticsearch, and the differences between analyzed and non-analyzed fields.
Part 3 looks at nested datatypes and includes a brief introduction to queries. petitions.json
is used in Part 3.
Part 4 walks you through how to query on nested fields and sort your results.
In part 5 (coming soon...) we create an application and deploy it using IBM Bluemix. The files in the app/
directory are not required as you'll be able to create and run your own app by working through this part, but you can refer to the files here for guidance or if you just want to download and explore the app.
To see the app in action you can try our version here: Petitioneering