I'm a Backend Web Developer and have completed by Bachelors degree in India. I am passionate about algorithms, neural nets, machine learning and AI. I like to do analysis to find out some interesting insights from data. I sometimes write blogs on Medium regarding the projects I do and you can find the links to those below. On the sports side of things, I am a Manchester United(:soccer:) and a Los Angeles Lakers(:basketball:) fan. I like to listen to Rap, LoFi, Rock, Chill music. Currently, I looking for a job as Data Scientist or Data Analyst, so that I can my job matches my passion.
- [Detecting Chess Pieces Using Tensorflow Object Detection API](https://medium.com/swlh/detecting-chess-pieces-using-tensorflow-object-detection-api-dc26e11d48c6?source=rss-779ba76996ec------2) - [Music Genre Classification](https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/music-genre-classification-c9a52d89e07d?source=rss-779ba76996ec------2) - [Opening a Restaurant Ahmedabad City](https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/opening-a-restaurant-ahmedabad-city-46218dc25515?source=rss-779ba76996ec------2)