Release Update:
- Direct SMS capability via Voxtron:
Reason: Clients want to send sms to customer via vcc system.
Requrement: QConnect should be able to lineup costumer on virtualQ which want sms notification via CallInExt and then should be able to inform vcc when its time to notify the customer. So sms goes via vcc and not virtualQ
Solution: QConnect can now lines up customer via CallInExt and informs vcc to send sms notification.
Ticket: https://trello.com/c/kkNmjDsU/70-as-qconnect-i-want-to-send-notification-sms-directly-from-voxtron-qconnect
Docuementation: https://github.com/virtualq/QConnect-Release/wiki/Features#--callinext-feature
- AHT Improvement:
Reason: QConnect AHT calculation for waiting fields was bit off.
Requirement: Needed better AHT on clients.
Solution: Added improvements to AHT calculations
Behavior: AHT will be more accurate now.
Ticket: https://trello.com/c/L8eoSoDE/84-improved-way-to-calculate-aht
- Configurable AgentServiceList Transmission
Reason: AgentServiceList was not needed for virtual stats
Requirement: Stop sending agentList of virtualQ
Solution: Make Transmission of agent list configurable so it can be turned on and off as per requirement.
Ticket: https://trello.com/c/BML4ypV9/89-make-agentlist-transmission-to-vq-configurable
Documentation: https://github.com/virtualq/QConnect-Release/wiki/Features#--stop-serviceagentlist-transmission-to-virtualq
- Set EWT = 0 in DB
Reason: EWT was set 2 sec in DB as default.
Requirement: change EWT db default to 0.
Solution: changed EWT db default to 0.
Ticket: https://trello.com/c/wLxxMRnI/87-set-ewt-0-for-db-defaults
- ContactId column add in Calback table in db
Reason: deployments team needed to run queries on callback table by ContactId. That was not present in past builds
Requirement: Add ContactId column in callback table
Solution: ContactId colmun added in callback table
Ticket: https://trello.com/c/VVS9DCUC/85-callback-db-table-update
Documentation: https://github.com/virtualq/QConnect-Release/wiki/Features#--callback-table-update