.NET Client for the virtualQ API.
Installation Options:
- Add the project to your solution.
- Or use NuGet package manager to install the DLL into your project. Read the instructions here.
- Or download the latest release on github.
- Compatible with .NET version 4.5
- Compile as DLL file
- Create an account at the virtualQ dashboard
- Create a Call Center
- Create a Line Group
- Create a Service Line
- Find your API Key on the dashboard. Click on your Email on top right.
Note: Line Groups can have several Lines with the same properties like EWT or Number of Agents. Instead of updating each line, you update the line group. In the simplest case, 1 Line Group has 1 Line.
- Open the solution in Visual Studio 2015.
- Select "Release" in Solution Configurations dropdown.
- Build with
The assemblies will be located under VirtualQNet\bin\Release
- Open the VirtualQNet.Tests project in Visual Studio 2015.
- Open the App.config file and paste your API Key in the value attribute of the ApiKey option.
- Open the Test Explorer tab.
- Double click on a test name to show the test's code. You can modify any parameters there.
- To run the test, right click on a test name in the Test Explorer tab and select Run Selected Tests.
- If a test pass, watch you dashboard to see its effects.
Important: Some tests need to be executed in order to pass.
Find detailed usage documentation in the Wiki.