This web app is designed for taking notes and utilizes EJS for rendering dynamic content, as well as Express for server-side rendering.
- Express.js
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Mongoose
- Bcrypt (for password hashing)
- Dotenv (for environment variable management)
- Cookie-parser (for cookies management)
- EJS (for rendering frontend)
To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
Start the server:
npm start
The available endpoints for the app are as follows:
- /: Renders all notes for a logged-in user.
- /new: Creates a new user.
- /login: Authenticates a user and logs them in.
- /logout: Logs out a user and deletes their cookies.
- /me: Retrieves details of a logged-in user.
- /me/update/email: Updates the email of a logged-in user.
- /me/update/password: Updates the password of a logged-in user.
- POST /note/new: Creates a new note.
- GET /note/my: Retrieves all notes of a logged-in user.
- GET /note/:noteIdentifier: Retrieves a specific note by its identifier: 'infIty'.
- PUT /note/:noteIdentifier: Updates a specific note by its identifier: 'infIty'.
- DELETE /note/:noteIdentifier: Deletes a specific note by its identifier: 'infIty'.
- GET /ADMIN_KEY/all: Retrieves a list of all users.
- GET /ADMIN_KEY/:userId: Retrieves all notes of a specific user by their ID.
- GET /ADMIN_KEY/:userId/:noteIdentifier: Retrieves a specific note by its identifier: 'infIty' for a specific user by their ID.
This API uses Cookie-based Authentication with encrypted keys using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
Custom middleware is used to catch errors and send appropriate responses to the user.
Please refer to example.env for the required environment variables.
This project was developed by Vishesh Singh.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to contribute to this project by making a pull request.