Bare minimum library for Arduino. Uses only half of the memory than wire library.
This is first version of library . Frequency is set default at 400kHz.
There are only few functions in this library ,but are sufficient for all applications and will make the code occupy less space.
Function List :
Name | Descriptoin | Usage |
init() | Initialize library | i2c.init(); |
start() | To Start Communication | i2c.start(<device_address>); |
write() | Write data to the connected I2C device | i2c.write<data>); |
readack() | Read with Acknowledge | i2c.readack(); |
readnck() | Read without Acknowledge | i2c.readnck(); |
stop() | Stops I2C Communication | i2c.stop(); |
Needs help in making more example code and refining the code so if you want to contribute you are welcomed.