This C++ project is an "Expense Management System" that allows users to input and analyze monthly budgets and expenses. Key concepts include Object-Oriented Programming, File Handling, Exception Handling, and Inheritance. The program features user-friendly input, budget vs. actual expense analysis, persistent storage of data, detailed reporting, and error handling. It provides a structured approach to managing finances and empowers users to track their financial performance over time.
Implemented Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles: Designed MonthlyBudget and MonthlyExpenses classes following OOP best practices, enhancing code organization and making future modifications easier.
Leveraged File Handling for Data Persistence: Utilized file handling techniques to store and retrieve budget and expense data, ensuring data integrity and reliability for long-term use.
Utilized Standard Template Library (STL) for Efficient Operations: Made use of standard C++ libraries like STL for input/output formatting and validation, improving code readability and maintenance.
Implemented Comprehensive Error Handling: Incorporated error handling mechanisms to handle unexpected inputs and file access issues, enhancing program stability and user experience.