TSWP Zadanie
- Install & configure git
- Clone repository
To clone a repository means that you will download the whole code of the repository.
- git@github.com:visvk/TSWP.git
you will download the code.
for Linux:
- sudo chmod 777 -R temp
- sudo chmod 777 -R log
- sudo chmod 777 -R storage
- Install composer
- homepage: http://getcomposer.org/
- instalation: (see http://getcomposer.org/download)
- curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
- run in project directory: install composer
- Database (user: root, password: root)
- create DB with tswp.sql file
- Run page login: student@student.tuke.sk password: student
##Project description
www/ : css, images, js
load BASIC css, js : app/MainModule/templates/@layout.latte
- sa dohodneme