Command utility for encoding / decoding ciphers:
- Caesar
- Atbash
- ROT-8/ROT-13
$ node cli-ciphering -c <configuration> [-i <input file path>] [-o <input file path:>]
- "-с or --config" - names and sequence of execution of ciphers,
example, "C1-C1-R0-A"
- Caesar ->
-encryption andС0
-decryption with Caesar cipher - Atbash ->
encryption / decryption with Atbash cipher - ROT-8/ROT-13 ->
-encryption andR0
-decryption with ROT cipher
- Caesar ->
- "-i or --input" - input data file path
- "-o or --output" - output data file path
If the "-i or -o" options are not specified, then the input and output streams are considered stdin
and stdout
, respectively.
$ node cli-ciphernig -c "C1-C1-R0-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"
# C1-C1-R0-A: encodes with Caesar cipher => encodes with Caesar cipher => decodes with ROT cipher => Atbash transformation
# read from file, write to file
$ node cli-ciphernig --config "C1-C1-R0-A" --output "./output.txt"
# ... transformation ...
# read from stream `stdin`, write to file
$ node cli-ciphernig -с "C1-C1-R0-A"
# ... transformation ...
# read from the `stdin` stream, write to the `stdout` stream
# testing with detailed description
$ npm run test
# autotesting for test development
$ npm run test:watch
# test coverage table
$ npm run test:cov