- Sparky Game Engine Development
- Hazel Game Engine Development
- 3D Game Engine Development Tutorial
- Game Engine Programming
- Star游戏引擎开发记录
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming
- Game Engine Architecture Lectures
- Scratchapixel
- Computer Graphics Learning Materials
- CS50's Introduction to Game Development
- Courses in Graphics Offered By Stanford
- Courses in Graphics Offered By MIT
- UC Berkeley CS184/284A: Computer Graphics and Imaging
- Standford EE267: Virtual Reality
- 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
- Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
- Real Time Rendering
- Foundations of Game Engine Development
- Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation
- Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
- Game Engine Architecture
- Game Coding Complete
- Game Programming Patterns
- Khronos Developer Books
- The Book of Shaders
- Learn OpenGL
- OpenGL Tutorial
- Modern OpenGL Guide
- Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials
- Modern OpenGL Step by Step Tutorials
- Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++
- OpenGL Libraries
- OpenGL Utility Libraries
- FreeImage
- OpenSceneGraph
- Simple DirectMedia Layer
- The OpenGL Samples Pack
- Direct3D 12
- DirectX-Graphics-Samples
- Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12
- Windows GDI