Happy is an application that allows users to search for orphanages in their region, as well as add some orphanage - this application was thought to be simple and useful in people's daily lives.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Node
✅ official website: https://rocketseat.com.br/
✅ blog: https://blog.rocketseat.com.br/
✅ next level week (12/10 to 18/10): https://nextlevelweek.com/inscricao/3
Diego Fernandes 🚀 |
Mayk Brito 🚀 |
Rocketseat Team 🚀 |
✅ emojis: https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/
✅ GIFs: https://tenor.com/view/thumbsup-approve-kakashi-naruto-gif-8212733
Vitor Alves Pereira
Student of Web Design, UI/UX Design, HTML, CSS, Javascript and React at Origamid.