Python script to mass download/export your activities from TomTom MySports website.
python [-h] username password format [max-activity-id]
- username: your account email
- password: your password, enclose in double quotes if it has spaces
- format: format of download, one of the following: tcx, gpx, fit, or kml
- max-activity-id: optional argument to define an upper bound for activity download. In the activities list, it's the number sequence by the end of the url of the activity. The script will download all activities up to this argument.
Your activities will be downloaded to an activities folder, created in the same path as the script.
- requests
- TomTom is yet to export lap info for interval training
- downloaded files has the following naming convention:
<activity type>-<YYYYMMDD>T<HHMMSS>
, which in my opinion is preferable than that from the watch, since it can nicely be sorted by activity type and date
This script is released under the MIT License.