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Feature Extraction Server

This server can accept various media as input and performs various AI tasks, such as image captioning. It features an extensible plugin system that allows new tasks and models to be easily added. The purpose of this server is to maintain a uniform input / output specification for each AI task, regardless of the specifics of the model used. This allows models to be swapped more easily.

Run the Server from Source

  1. Clone the Repository

  2. Install Python 3.11

  3. Install the Required Packages:

    pip install -r dev_requirements.txt

    Note: This includes all the dependencies for all plugins, so this can take a while. Alternatively, you can only install the dependencies you require as needed.

  4. Add the Desired Plugins to the Path For example:

    export PYTHONPATH=src/core:src/legacy_api:src/audio_diarization:src/blip:src/conditional_image_captioning:src/face_embedding:src/image_captioning:src/optical_character_recognition:src/simple_plugin_manager:src/vit_gpt2:src/automated_speech_recognition:src/blip2:src/detr_resnet101:src/face_recognition:src/image_embedding:src/owl_vit_base_patch32:src/tesseract:src/whisper:src/base_api:src/clip_vit_large_patch14:src/easy_ocr:src/fastapi:src/object_detection:src/pyannote:src/text_embedding:src/zero_shot_image_classification:$PYTHONPATH
    export LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
  5. Run the Server:

    To run the server, use the entrypoint:

    python --port 8888

Manually Install the Server

This is currently not tested.

  1. Clone the Repository

  2. Install Python 3.11

  3. Install Flit

    python3 -m pip install flit
  4. Install the Core Project and some core plugins

    cd src/core
    flit install
    cd ../simple_plugin_manager
    flit install
    cd ../fastapi
    flit install
    cd ../base_api
    flit install
  5. Install any desired Plugins

    cd src/example_plugin
    flit install
  6. Run the Server

    run-fes --port 8888

Run the Server with Docker

NOTE: currently, the vitrivr username on docker hub does not have the correct images. Use the faberf username instead.

Follow these steps to run the server using Docker:

  1. Install Docker:

    You need to have Docker installed on your machine. You can download Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows here. For Linux users, Docker Engine is the appropriate version, and the installation instructions vary by distribution.

  2. Build or Pull the Docker Image:

    The dockerfile requires the build arguments PLUGINPATH and CMD_ENTRYPOINT to build an image.

        docker buildx build \
         --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 \
         --build-arg PLUGINPATH="core:simple_plugin_manager:base_api:fastapi" \
         --build-arg CMD_ENTRYPOINT="run-fes --port 8888 --host" \
         --tag "featureextractionserver:my_custom_tag" \
         --push \

    You can check for more examples. Alternatively you can use a prebuilt image from docker hub. Choose a tag from docker hub For example, if you want to have pull an image from Docker hub with all plugins installed, use the following command:

    docker pull vitrivr/featureextractionserver:full
  3. Run the Docker Image:

    After pulling the image, you can run it using the following command:

    sudo docker run -it -p 5000:8888 -v ~/.cache:/root/.cache -v ./logs:/app/logs -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG -t vitrivr/featureextractionserver:full

    This command will start a Docker container from the image and map port 5000 of your machine to port 5000 of the Docker container. This also demonstrates how you can bind the /root/.cache directory to your local .cache directory in order to persist the downloaded machine learning models between runs, saving time.

  4. Access the Server:

    You should now be able to access the server at http://localhost:5000. If you are using Docker Toolbox (generally for older systems), the Docker IP will likely be something other than localhost, typically In this case, the server will be accessible at

Note: To stop the Docker container, press CTRL | C in the terminal window. If that does not work, open a new terminal window and run docker ps to get the CONTAINER_ID, and then run docker stop CONTAINER_ID to stop the container.

Note: If the server crashes, then it likely ran out of memory. If you're running on Docker Desktop, you can increase the memory allocated to Docker in Docker's preferences:

  • For Mac: Docker menu > Preferences > Resources > Memory
  • For Windows: Docker menu > Settings > Resources > Memory

32 GB is a good amount. This will only work if your host machine has enough free memory.

Configuring the Server

Settings can be set using either a command line argument (CLA) an environment variable (EV) or an .env file (EF).

The following settings come from the core plugin.

Name Command Line Argument Description
LOG_LEVEL --log-level The log level. Must be one of ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
LOG_PATH --log-path The path to the log file.
DEFAULT_CONSUMER_TYPE --default-consumer-type The default consumer type. Must be one of ['single_thread_consumer']

Additional settings may be defined or required in other plugins.

Extending the Server

The server is extensible through plugins.

For creating new plugins which use the extraction backend to create new interfaces (such as CLIs etc), see here.

For creating new plugins which add new endpoints to the REST API, see the fast api plugin readme.

For creating new tasks, see here.

For creating new models, see here.

Using the Server

  • See this page for more information on configuring the FastAPI REST server
  • This plugin extends the server with endpoints that allow the user to create new jobs and get results.
  • This plugin defines simpler endpoints that allow the user to both create new jobs and get results in a single call.


Installing these plugins adds tasks to the server which can be accessed through a variety of interfaces (see above). To properly use them, compatible models must also be installed.

## TODO Accounts