adminarchitect/options provides the way to store/read key => value options to/from database.
this is not standalone package, it can be used only in conjunction with Admin Architect
) package.
Install adminarchitect/options module by running:
composer require adminarchitect/options
register Options service provider by adding it to the app/config.php providers
'providers' => [
Note! Terranet\Options\ServiceProvider::class
should be registered BEFORE Terranet\Administrator\ServiceProvider::class
now you can publish the whole package resources by running:
php artisan vendor:publish [--provider="Terranet\\Options\\ServiceProvider"]
To create new Settings module, run:
php artisan administrator:resource:settings
module will be created into the app\Http\Terranet\Administrator\Modules
Routes become available at app\Http\Terranet\Options\routes.php
Create migration for the options table:
php artisan options:table
this will create the migration file inside of database/migrations
Run migration:
php artisan migrate
Optionaly you can create new options for your business:
php artisan options:make <Name> <Value>
Options module supports all know types by Admin Architect: select, boolean, text, textarea, etc... So for example the boolean key may look like:
public function form()
return array_merge(
'ssl' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'label' => 'Use SSL'],