Windows IOT motor drivers and demo for PCA9695, ULN2003 and L298N chipsets controlling Servo, Stepper and DC motors respectively.
More info on this project can be found in
Nuget Install
Install-Package IOTMotorDrivers -Version 1.0.0-Pre
Please note all these libraries will build under any platform but it requires the Platform to be in "ARM->Remote device" to Debug (I will make it work with all platforms eventually)
// DC Motor Pins
private const int PCA9685_DC1_Pin = 15, DCInputAPin = 17, DCInputBPin = 27;
private const int PCA9685_DC2_Pin = 14, DCInputCPin = 23, DCInputDPin = 24;
// Driver for PCA9685
pwmDriver = new PCA9685();
// Driver for L298N
dcMotorDriver = new L298N(new L298NMotors
ENPin = PCA9685_DC1_Pin,
INAPin = DCInputAPin,
INBPin = DCInputBPin
}, new L298NMotors
ENPin = PCA9685_DC2_Pin,
INAPin = DCInputCPin,
INBPin = DCInputDPin
}, pwmDriver);
// Start and control Motor 1
dcMotorDriver.Start(motorSelection: L298NMotorSelection.Motor1, speedPercent1: 0.2, isClockwise1: true);
// Start both Motor 1 and 2 parallely
// dcMotorDriver.Start(motorSelection: L298NMotorSelection.All, speedPercent1: 0.2, isClockwise1: true, speedPercent2: 0.2, isClockwise2: true);
// Wait for 2 seconds
await Task.Delay(2000);
// To stop the Stepper Motor