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Things discussed in this documentation:

  1. Prototypical Inheritance in JS
  2. Scope in JS
  3. Function Declaration and Function Expression
  4. Try Catch in JS
  5. Scope model in JS
  6. IIFE Pattern
  7. Hoisting
  8. This keyword
  9. Closure
  10. Classic Module Pattern
  11. Modified Module Pattern
  12. Modern Module Pattern
  13. Object Orientation
    1. Prototype
    2. Inheritance
    3. OLOO
    4. Object Create method
  14. Async Pattern
    1. Callbacks
    2. Generators
    3. Promises
  15. Event Loop

Prototypical Inheritance in JS

In JavaScript when one object inherits from another prototypically, you are able to access all the properties and methods from the parent object.

    var obj1 = {  
      someProp: 'obj1 property!',
      someMethod: function () {
        alert('obj1 method!');
    var obj2 = Object.create(obj1);  
    obj2.someProp = 'obj2 property!';

You might think from the above code that someProp was changed from obj1 property! to obj2 property! when obj2 was instantiated. However, you can not change properties on an object's prototype like that. All that code did was create a property called someProp on obj2 that masks the value of the underlying someProp on obj1. If you run delete obj2.someProp then someProp won't be gone, it will revert to showing the value of obj1.someProp. This is the way nested scopes work. Setting a property on a child scope does not change the property with the same name on the parent scope; it merely hides it.

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Scope in JS:

There are only two scopes:

  1. Function scope
  2. Global scope

Function are the atomic unit of the scope. When we define something like below:

Compilation phase:

    var foo = "bar"; /* declaration */ 
        While compiling this one statement gets broken into two
            1. the declaration part using var
            2. the assignment part 

    function bar() { /* declaration */
        var foo = "bar"; /* declaration */

    function baz(foo) { /* declaration of function as well as foo */
        foo = "bam";
        bam = "yay";

Things to note about the above code is:

  1. JS do JIT(Just in time) compilation, which means function are not compiled when they are defined but they gets compiled and called at the time of call.
  2. Everything is scoped.

So, the very first line has a scope of global, while foo inside the bar function has the scope of bar. When the js compiles the baz function, it treats the argument as a declaration. So foo in the argument will be treated as a local variable. And the scope will be of baz.

Execution phase:
Now we have to note that there will be no var in the execution phase. So the first line will be:

foo = "bar" without any var.

So even if we define var foo 100 times, while execution it will be ignored. So defining var foo in somewhere in our program has no impact on the rest as that will be ignored.

Compiler terminologies:

lhs : left hand side
rhs : right hand side of an assignment.

In our language its the = sign. So in first line:

  1. foo will be our lhs reference
  2. bar will be our rhs reference

But lhs and rhs can occur without assignment operator. So to need to understand them in some other way which is:

lhs : the target
rhs : the source

So in case of function argument there is an implicit assignment. When we execute the function bar we will ask the scope of bar that whether it knows about the foo which happens to be the lhs.

When we execute the baz, we will ask scope of baz, whether it knows about an identifier named foo which happens to be the lhs.
So it will say that: yes, its in my declaration.

But when we execute the line:

bam = yay

We will ask baz that whether it heard about an lhs identifier named bam. It will say: no.

Now where do we go?

We go outer one level. so it will be our global scope in this case.

So we will ask our global scope, whether it knows any identifier named bam which happens to be the lhs.

And it will say: yes, i have just created it for you. The global scope will create bam for us because we have an lhs reference.

Note: This thing is in non strict mode.
So this assignment will create a global variable.
And that is why we should not declare a variable without var.

And that's why we get the idea of leakage of global variables. But when we will be in strict mode the global scope will say it does not know.

While passing foo in the function baz, even if we try to redeclare foo using var foo, the compiler will ignore it as it has foo already.


In JS undeclared and undefined are two different words.
   undeclared: when we do not declare the identifier.
   undefined : when we declare but it contains empty value.

undefined is more like uninitialised.
undefined is an actual value.


    var foo = "bar";
    function bar() {
      var foo = "baz";
      function baz(foo) {
        foo = "bam";
        bam = "yay";

While compiling we will say:

hey global scope I have a declaration for variable called foo.

For compiling the baz function it will ask the scope of bar to register the function baz.

While executing when we will go to the bar(). We will ask: hey global scope do you have a rhs reference bar.


bar() will be an rhs not lhs because there is no assignment going on at this point of time.

So it will say yes and it will return the function object bar.
We have () after the bar, so bar will have function object and () will be used for calling the function.


In case we ask some rhs value which is not declared in the scope, the behavior is different.
The global scope does not create one for us if its a rhs. And it will throw a reference error.
This is common to restrict and unrestrict mode.

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Function Declaration and Function Expression:

    var foo = function bar() {
        var foo = "baz";
        function baz(foo) {
            foo = bar;


If the function keyword is the first word in the statement then its a function declaration. Otherwise it will be a function expressions.

In our case it is function expression rather than declaration.

Most of the time function expressions are anonymous function, but in our case it is named anonymous function.

As the first line in our code is function expression, bar will not get defined in the outer scope.

In case of function expression, the name of the function is enclosed in its own scope.

So the name bar exists throughout the function.
So calling foo = bar is fine. But bar does not exists in the global scope. So calling bar() at the last line will raise reference error.

Why we should use named anonymous function expression:

When we use anonymous function expression there are three downside:

  1. When we don't use named anonymous function expression we dont have any way to refer to ourselves. This property is required when we do recursion, or when we bind some event to our function. (name is necessary) (many people think that this keyword is a reference to itself but it is not.)
  2. Anonymous function expression pose problem while debugging. So giving a name is always helpful.
  3. We don't need to look outside to know what is being done by the function. ex:
    when we give name as handler it is evident that this function is handling something.

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Try catch in JS:

In Es3, try catch was added, and according to the specification, catch has block scope.

Meaning, the variable which you will declare in the catch clause will only be accessible in the catch clause and not outside.

    var foo;
    try {

    catch (err) {

    console.log(err); // ReferenceError.

So here err cant be accessed from outside.

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## Scope Models in JS: There are two:

  1. Lexical scope which we were talking till now. (lex refers to the lexing that occurs in the compiler) (lexical scope means compile time scope)
  2. Dynamic scope (not present in js)(run time scope).

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IIFE Pattern (immediately invoked function expression):

    var foo = "foo";
    (function() {
      var foo = "foo2";
      console.log(foo); // `foo2`

    console.log(foo); // `foo`

When we want to keep some statements in segregated scope, we use this pattern. In this pattern an anonymous function expression has been used and is executed right away.

We can have named function expression rather than anonymous function expression. But that thing will give out the name. And we wanted to hide our code in some other scope which will not gets accessed from outside.

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## Hoisting: Its not a proper word in the specs, its only being used to define the js behaviors. Consider the below code:

  var a = b;
  var b = 2;

What will happen if we execute this code?
Before executing there will be compilation. During which the compiler will find the declaration first, so the above code will transform into:

    var a;
    var b;
    a = b;
    b = 2;

In the above code the compiler moves the declaration of a and b to the top. They were treated first.
This movement of declaration to the top is called hoisting.

So the compile phase will be line 1 and 2. All the function and variable declaration will get hoisted.

the function expression does not get hoisted.

So the below code

  var a = b();
  var c = d();

  function b() {
    return c;

  var d = function() {
    return b();

Will be converted to

  function b() {
    return c;
  var a;
  var c;
  var d;
  a = b();
  c = d();
  d = function() {
    return b();


Functions are hoisted before variables.

Consider the below code:

    var foo = 2;
    function foo() {
    function foo() {

In this case first function foo containing bar will be hoisted. Then the function foo containing foo will be hoisted which will override the previous hoisted value.

Then the variable foo gets hoisted and it will be ignored as there is already a variable called foo and it holds the last function.


Mutual recursion: Two function calling each other till a terminating condition is reached is called Mutually recursive function.
And mutual recursion is not possible in a language where there is not hoisting.
header files in c language are manual hoisting. we are putting the declaration part on the top of everything.
Js automatically do hoisting.

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##The this keyword: Every function, while executing, has a reference to its current execution context, called this. Execution context include far more than this keyword, but we are only interested in this. Execution context means where the function has been called and how the function has been called.

There are four rules for how the this keyword is bound. And it all depends on call sight(It is the place in code where the function is executed).

Four rules:

  1. Default binding rule (4th according to preference)

      function foo() {
      var bar = "bar1";
      var o2 = {bar: "bar2", foo: foo};
      var o3 = {bar: "bar3", foo: foo};
      foo(); // here there is only reference to the function
            // and nothing else.
            // In these situation, the default binding rule
            // applies. 
            // This is also true with the IIFIs.;;

    Default rule says:

    1. If you are in strict mode, default to this keyword is undefined value.
    2. If not, default to this keyword is global object.


    In js everything is a reference to an object. In the above code we have two reference to the foo.

    1. Our global variable is referencing the foo.
    2. is also referencing the foo.
  2. Implicit binding rule: ( 3rd according to preference ) Consider the above code:

    we have o2 and o3 which have same function foo. So we have an implicit reference for foo.
    If o2 will not have the bar property, will not refer to the global bar.


    Binding confusion:

        function foo() {
          var bar = "bar1";
        function baz() {
        var bar = "bar2";

    This code is fake but the concept is real. Here the function baz is some third party function on which the user does not have any control but user knows that this function is using somewhere in the code, on the other hand user have another function foo on which user have control. Now user have defined bar locally and is trying to call bar() in a hope of referencing the local variable bar.

    Note: It is impossible to create a crossover between the lexical environment and the this mechanism. They are just two fundamentally different mechanism and they don't crossover.

    The above code was not doing what was expected from it.
    The incorrect solution:

        function foo() {
          var bar = "bar1";
          this.baz = baz;
        function baz() {
        var bar = "bar2";

    How the above code is wrong:

    this reference gets set by the sight of call. In our code we need to find what is being referenced by the this keyword.

    As we can see that the function foo is being called from the global scope, so this will point to the global object as we are in not strict mode. So when we are saying:

    this.baz = baz in function foo.
    We are actually saying global.baz = baz but global.baz is already there.

    when we are calling the baz function in our foo function, this.baz(): here the implicit rule applies as we are calling object.function() but the object is still global object, so it will be global.baz().

  3. Explicit scope:

        function foo() {
        var bar = "bar1";
        var obj = {bar: "bar2"};
        foo();            // bar1;    // bar2

    Explicit binding say that:

    If we use .call() or .apply() at the call sight, both of these utilities take their first parameter as this binding.

    Problem with this keyword generality:

    In case of a controller, when we have this pointing to the controller object, we can do all our work by just using controller.method.

    But when we do an ajax call, the things get a bit different. We say in the callback I want to call my controller method :
    we pass an reference to the controller method. But when it gets called the this binding gets wrong, it will fall back to the global.

    Or say we have attached it to an event handler like a click handler on a button. When I click the button, I want my controller method to invoked but we will get frustrated because this binding becomes the button itself rather than my controller object.


    hard binding: It is used to fixate the this keyword reference.

       function foo() {
       var obj = {bar: "bar"};
       var obj2 = {bar: "bar2"};
       var orig = foo;
       foo = function() {;};
       foo();    // `bar`;  // ???

    In the above code, everything is same apart from declaration of orig variable and assigning it 'foo'. Now in the next line, we are overriding the foo with a function expression, and forcing the call to foo to the original foo but fixing the this reference to the obj.

    So both the function call will print bar.

    Making an binding utility:

     function bind(fn, o) {
       return function() {;
     function foo() {
     var obj = {bar: "bar"};
     var obj2 = {bar: "bar2"};
     foo = bind(foo, obj);
     foo();           // `bar`;  

    This code is same as the above one. But it does not have any variable in global scope whose reference can be over written. But in this code too we are creating one global utility.

    Also the utility in this code does not have return statement(we cant return anything from the func) And we can not pass arguments too.

    putting the utility on the prototype of function itself.

       // we are calling our utility `bind2` temporarily.
       if (!Function.prototype.bind2) {
         Function.prototype.bind2 = 
             function(o) {
               var fn = this; // the function!
               // when we will look at the call sight
               // we will find that the utility is 
               // a function, so 'this' will apply to it.
               // also we are calling it using 'implicit'
               // binding of 'foo'. So 'this' will point to
               // 'foo'.
               return function() {
                 return fn.apply(o, arguments);
       function foo(baz) {
         console.log( + " " + baz);
       var obj = {bar: "bar"};
       foo = foo.bind2(obj);
       foo("baz")    // `bar baz`

    In this code the utility has a return statement so it is capable of returning some values, also we will be able to pass arguments in this utility.

    It is so common that the JavaScript has a bind() function on the function prototype. So we don't need our bind2 utility. Its built-in. (In ECMAScript 5)

    When we go to the MDN page for binding, they have a polyfills(they are to provide support for older browser). So we can use the bind utility in older browser too.

  4. new keyword:

    Please set aside any conception about the 'new' keyword In other language new keyword is used for instantiating the classes but

    1. JavaScript does not have classes
    2. new keyword has nothing to do with the instantiation
     function foo() {
       this.baz = 'baz';
       console.log( + ' ' + baz);  // undefined undefined
     var bar = 'bar';
     var baz = new foo();

    When we put the new keyword in front of any function call, it magically turns that function call into a constructor call.

    When we put the new keyword in front of any function call, it's going to do 4 things:

    1. A brand new empty object will be created.
    2. The new empty object gets linked to a different object.
    3. The brand new empty object get bound as the this keyword for the purposes of that function call.
    4. If that function does not otherwise return anything. Then it will implicitily insert, between line 3 and half of the above code, a return this. That is the brand new object get returned for the purposes of the call.

    So in the above code, when we call foo function with the new keyword, an object as the this reference will get returned.

    So we can have one variable on this as ba, but when we try to access, as there is nothing called bar on this, therefore, undefined will gets printed.

    And at the moment, baz variable exists but it does not have any value so we will print undefined again.

    But final thing is that, there is a implicit return this, so the newly created object gets assigned to our baz variable. So if we try baz.baz we will get the string value 'baz'.

    How this binding works:

    Ask these questions:

    1. Was the function called with 'new' keyword ? If so, use that object. Which means the new keyword is able to override any of the other rules as it is most precedent of the rules.
    2. Was the function called with call or apply specifying an explicit this? If so, use that object.
    3. Was the function called via a containing/ owning object(context) ?
    4. Default: global object (except strict mode)

    hard bound functions are a variation of explicit binding rule.

    So, what will be the precedence of hard binding?

    Ans: At no 2, which means the new keyword is able to override the hard binding.

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## Closure:

Closure is when a function remembers its lexical scope even when the function is executed outside that lexical scope.


  function foo() {
    var bar = "bar";

    function baz() {


  function bam(baz) {
    baz();        // `bar`



If we keep a reference to an object, that does not get garbage collected. Similarly until we have at-least one function referencing the scope object, through closure, scope does not gets garbage collected.


consider the below code:

for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log("i: " + i);
  }, 1 * 1000);

By running this example we will get the below result: i: 6
i: 6
i: 6
i: 6
i: 6
i: 6

But why?

Because through closure the function inside setTimeout is using the the global variable i. and as we have live copy of the i variable in each function call, every i value will get updated with the last value.

How to solve it ?

  1. Using IIFI pattern: we need to use the IIFE pattern.

      for (var i=1; i<= 5; i++) {
            console.log('i: ' + i);
          }, i * 1000);

    so now each of the setTimeout function will have iteration scope rather than global scope.

  2. Using let keyword:

        for (let i=1; i<5; i++) {
            console.log("i: " + i);

    what let keyword does is, it rebinds i for each iteration of for loop.

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##Classic module pattern:

It has two characteristics:

  1. There must be an outer wrapping function that gets executed(Does not have to be a IIFE, but it does have to an outer function that gets executed).
  2. There must be one or more functions that get returned from that function call. So one or more inner functions that have the closure over the inner private scope.


var foo = (function() {
  var o = {bar: 'bar'};

  return {
    bar: function() { //these stuffs are like
                      // private members of a 
                      // module.
                      // And the obj `bar` is like
                      // an public API.
                      // There are one or more methods
                      // on the API, that have the
                      // special privilleged 'closure'
                      // capability that access the 
                      // 'internal' state, and that
                      // makes a module. 

So all the function is hidden from the outside world and we get choose what we return on our public API.

This pattern is useful in implementing encapsulation. This is the idea of hiding private implementation details

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##modified module pattern:

  var foo = (function() {
    var publicAPI = {
      bar: function() {
      baz: function() {
    return publicAPI;
  })();;   // `baz`

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Modern module pattern:

  define('foo', function() {
    var o = {bar: 'bar'};

    return {
      bar: function() {

we have a named module foo and we are doing stuff on that.

This pattern when used using IIFE pattern, can only provide one instance, meaning its only for one time use.

On the other hand if we use this pattern by using common function and then assign the return value to different variable, we will have different instance of the same module.


  var foo = function() {
    var publicAPI = {
      bar: function() {
      baz: function() {
    return publicAPI;
  var myFoo = foo();
  var yourFoo = foo();

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##Object Orienting:

  1. Prototype:

        function Foo(who) {
 = who;
        Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
          return 'I am ' +;
        var a1 = new Foo('a1');
        var a2 = new Foo('a2');
        a2.speak = function() {
          alert('Hello, ' + this.identify() + '.');
        a1.constructor === Foo;
        a1.constructor === a2.constructor;
        a1.__proto__ === Foo.prototype;
        a1.__proto__ === a2.__proto__;

    Every single object is built by a constructor function. Each time a constructor is called, a new object is created.


    It's important to understand that there is a distinction between an object's prototype (which is available via Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), or via the deprecated __proto__ property) and the prototype property on constructor functions. The former is the property on each instance, and the latter is the property on the constructor. That is, Object.getPrototypeOf(new Foobar()) refers to the same object as Foobar.prototype.

    A constructor makes an object based on its own prototype.based on is not completely true in case of JavaScript. based on implies that we take the prototype and we stamp out a copy of it.

    This is true in class oriented languages. so based on give us the wrong idea.

    A more appropriate way of saying the above thing is:

    A constructor makes an object linked to its own prototype.


    While discussing the new keyword we said in the second step that it linked to an object.


    Before anything gets executed in the above code we already have somethings, which are:

    1. A function called Object (capital O)
    2. An object which does not have any name, but a label named Object.prototype.

    Object func ----.prototype------> unnamed object

    The Object function has been linked to the object which does not have any name.
    On the unnamed object, we have functions like toString and several values which are built in the language.

    When the first line of above code gets executed:

    1. We will have a function called Foo,

    2. Its also going to create an object that we are linked to, and it will have the same arbitrary name: .prototype.

      Foo func -------.prototype-------> unnamed object

      Also the unnamed object is linked to the unnamed object of the 'Object' function and this linkage is labeled as [[p]]. ([[p]] is explained later in this notes)

    3. In addition to the above connection, there is also a connection in the opposite direction. The unnamed object has a property on the function called .constructor.

    Foo function <------.constructor---- unnamed object

    Most people think the '.constructor' means is constructed by. In other words the unnamed object is constructed by the function.But its not true.

    The word constructor is an arbitrary word it could have been any other random word.

    So there is a two-way linkage. Now when we execute the Foo.prototype.identify = function() line, we put the identify property directly on the unnamed object.

    Now coming on the code var a1 = new Foo('a1') Here we have encountered the new keyword. So four things will happen:

    1. brand new object will gets created.
    2. object gets linked to another object. (so the newly created object will get linked to the unnamed object.)
    3. The context gets set to the this. So the newly created object will have a property called me, which will have the value a1.
    4. We return this, which gets assigned to the variable a1 in the code. So now the name of the newly created object will be a1.

    Now executing a2.speak = function() This will put the speak property on the object which is a2.

    So at this point of time, if we try to execute a1.speak(), it wont get executed as there is no property called speak on the a1 object.

    Coming on to the code a1.constructor === Foo. There is no direct property called constructor on the a object. Some people think that there is a hidden property called constructor on the a1 object, but in reality its not there.

    So when we execute the above code, as there is no property called constructor on the a1 object it will go up in the Prototypical chain. And the unnamed object has a linkage of .constructor so the call will end of being Foo. So a1.constructor is Foo.

    The linkage of newly created object, such as a1, with the unnamed object, which is linked with the function such as Foo using .prototype label, is called Prototypical linkage. In the specs this linkage is denoted by [[Prototype]] But in this notes we will say it [[P]] instead.

    They are internal linkage, they are not visible to public.

    Now when we execute a1.__proto__ === Foo.prototype The name for __proto__ is dunder. The pronunciation of the above property is dunder proto property. So when the above code will get executed it will check whether a1 have a dunder proto property.

    As it does not have, it will go up in the Prototypical chain and check the same thing on the unnamed object. As that object also does not have the dunder proto property, so we will go up in the Prototypical chain, which happens to be the unnamed object of the Object function.

    Now on this object there is a property named __proto__. It turns out that it is not a property, rather its a getter function. So the above code is a function call.

    This function returns the internal prototype linkage of whatever the this binding is.

    So when we have called the __proto__ function, the this keyword is a1.

    So this function returns the internal prototype linkage of a1.

    So the [[P]] was the internal linkage and __proto__ is the public linkage of a1 with the unnamed object of the Foo function.

    So __proto__ is the public property that references the internal characteristics.

    The problem with dunder proto is, it never been standardised.

    But its a de-facto standard for every other browser except the IE.

    So we can see that a1.__proto__ is same as Foo.prototype. The same goes for a2.

    As of ES5, there is an standard utility

      a1.__proto__ === Object.getPrototypeOf(a1);

    So this utility extract the internal Prototypical linkage for us.

    So this utility is there for IE > 8 But what we will do for browsers < 8.


      a2.__proto__ == a2.constructor.prototype;
      // for IE < 8

    But the problem is, both the property the constructor property and the prototype property are writable property. They happen to default to pointing where we discussed above. But when they gets over written, the above code for IE < 8 is unreliable.

      function foo(who) { = who;
      Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
        return 'I am ' +;
      function Bar(who) {, who);
      // Bar.prototype = new Foo(); // or...
      Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
      // NOTE: .constructor is broken here, need to fix
      Bar.prototype.speak = function() {
        alert('Hello, ' + this.identify() + '.');
      var b1 = new Bar('b1');
      var b2 = new Bar('b2');
      b1.speak(); // alerts: `Hello, I am b1.`
      b2.speak(); // alerts: `Hello, I am b2.`

    In the above code we wanted the class Bar to be the child of the Foo class. As we have written the function names in CAPS, they refer to the class.

    We can achieve this by assigning what is there in the comment in the code // Bar.prototype = new Foo(); But by this way we will un-wantedly call Foo every time.

    Soln is use the Object.create. The Object.create does the first two things of what new keyword does.

    In this code, when we call var b1 = new Bar('b1'). this will point to b1 So when we call b1.speak(); it will check whether b1 is having a speak property. No it does not have.

    Then it will go Prototypically up, and check whether Bar.prototype have speak property, and it is there on the Bar, so it will call it.

    Now in the speak property, we have this.identify, here this points to b1, so we check whether b1 has a identify property, as it does not have, we will go Prototypically up, and check if Bar.prototype has a identify property.

    No, so we traverse further up, and check whether Foo.prototype has a 'identify' property, as it has it gets called.

    But there is a drawback in this approach. We have lost the .constructor linkage. But how? As of line 6 in the above code we have the .constructor property but when we execute the code on line 12, we change the reference of the prototype object, and the newly created one does not have a .constructor property.

    So we will delegate up to check does the foo prototype has a .constructor, yes it does and it is pointing to the Foo, so we get Foo instead of Bar.

    So this bizzare result proves that .constructor does not mean is constructed by, it is simply an arbitrary property.

    Now we can use the class pattern rather than the module pattern. For this all the methods which were private in the module pattern will now come to the prototype of the class.

    It is necessary to write the prototype like: ClassName.prototype.someMethod Because when we write like:

        ClassName.prototype = {
          someMethod: 'hello'

    We are actually overriding the prototype and thus we will loose the .constructor property.

    Generally we should always use the dynamic binding provided to us using 'this' but there is one instance where we have to fallback to the lexical way of doing things.

    consider the below example:

      NotesManager.prototype.showHelp = function() {
        this.$; // $help is just a convention 
                          // for saying that this variable
                          // belongs to JQuery.
        document.addEventListener('click', function __handler__(evt){
          document.removeEventListener('click', __handler__, true);
        //}, true) 

    Now when we call this function, the this in the last line of code will not point to the reference we want, rather it will be the button on which the listener is being called.

    To solve this problem we can use .bind function. So we do like the uncommented last line.

    But in the event listener function we are removing the event listener using the named method. But due the hard binding the named function is not there.

    So only in this case we do like below:

        NotesManager.prototype.showHelp = function() {
          var self = this;
          self.$; // $help is just a convention 
                            // for saying that this variable
                            // belongs to JQuery.
          document.addEventListener(`click`, function __handler__(evt){
            document.removeEventListener(`click`, __handler__, true);
          }, true); 

    But in general this is not a good practice.

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  2. Inheritance:

    Inheritance means that the child is having the copy of what the parent have.

    So its not wise to call prototypal inheritance for JavaScript as we are not using the word inheritance for its correct meaning.

    In JavaScript when we have the object arbitrarily called Foo.prototype and when we have a1 and a2 object, they are linked in the opposite way to what inheritance does. In inheritance we have the below structure:

    parent -----------> child

    meaning child is a copy of the parent. But in JS:

    Foo.prototype <----------- child

    meaning the child is behaviorally linked to the prototype.

    This delegation in JS is a design pattern and it is called Behavior Delegation.

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  3. OLOO: (Objects Linked to Other Objects)

    function Foo(who) { = who;
    Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
      return 'I am ' +;
    function Bar(who) {, who);
    Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
    Bar.prototype.speak = function() {
      alert('Hello, ' + this.identify() + '.');
    var b1 = new Bar('b1');

    In this code we only need to care about the three objects which are prototypically linked.

    b1 is linked to Bar.prototype. Bar.prototype is linked to Foo.prototype.

    Now the same thing can be achieved by using only the objects rather than the constructor.

    As a first step towards refinement we will remove the new keyword. The refined code will look like the below:

      function Foo(who) { = who;
      Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
        return 'I am ' +;
      function Bar(who) {, who);
      Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
      Bar.prototype.speak = function() {
        alert('Hello, ' + this.identify() + '.');
      var b1 = Object.create(Bar.prototype);, 'b1');

    In this refinement remove the new keyword and instead use the Object.create utility to create a brand new object and link the object to the prototype.

    Then we explicitly bind the Bar this to b1.

    Consider the second refinement below:

      function Foo(who) { = who;
      Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
        return 'I am ' +;
      var Bar = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
      Bar.init = function(who) {, who);
      // changed
      Bar.speak = function() {
        alert('Hello, ' + this.identify() + '.');
      var b1 = Object.create(Bar); // changed
      b1.init('b1'); // changed

    In this refinement, we have ditched the function Bar and made Bar an object instead.

    Consider the third refinement:

     var Foo = {
       init: function(who) { = who;
       identify: function() {
         return 'I am ' +;
     var Bar = Object.create(Foo);    
     Bar.speak = function() {
       alert('Hello, ' + this.identify() + '.');
     var b1 = Object.create(Bar); 

    Now these are peer objects that can delegate to each other.

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  4. Object.create:

      if (!Object.create) {
        Object.create = function(o) {
          function F() {}
          F.prototype = o;
          return new F();

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Async Patterns:

  • Callbacks
  • Generators / Co-routines
  • Promises


  • callback hell:

          }, 1000);
        }, 1000);
      }, 1000);


    callback hell does not have anything to do with nesting.

    Consider the below code:

      function one(cb) {
        setTimeout(cb, 1000);
      function two(cb) {
        setTimeout(cb, 1000);
      function three() {
  • Inversion of control:

    When we loose control over a program to let it execute by some third party library.

  • Solving callback problems:

    1. separate callbacks:
      function trySomething(ok, err) {
          var num = Math.random();
          if (num > 0.5) ok(num);
          else err(num);
        }, 1000);
          console.log('Success: ' + num);
          console.log('Sorry: ' + num);

    In this we expect the third party library to call one method when there is success and the other when there is failure. But this is more implicit trust, because we are trusting on them that they will call only one method. But what will happen when they call both the methods: Our code will break.

    1. error-first style:
      function trySomething(cb) {
          var num = Math.random();
          if (num > 0.5) cb(null, num);
          else cb('Too low!');
        }, 1000);
      trySomething(function(err, num){
        if (err) {
          console.log('Number: ' + num);
       In this code we have only  one function.
       So we are only checking for the `error` object.
       But consider a scenario when they return an `error`
       object and then a `success` value.
       In this situation we will `reject` the `success` value
       as we are only checking for the `error` object.

Generators (yield) (ES6):

     function* gen() {
       yield null;
     var it = gen();; // prints `Hello`; // prints `World`

So calling the gen function, creates an iterator. so when we call it will start from the line 2 and execute till it encounters a yield statement. The second will also run till it encounters a yield statement or till end of the program.

yield is used for two way message passing. meaning we can pass value to yield from outside and yield can also return value to the calling function.

Consider the below code:

 var run = coroutine(function* (){
   var x = 1 + (yield null);
   var y = 1 + (yield null);
   yield(x + y);

 console.log('something: ' + run(30).value);

So when first run() will be called, the yield will return null to the function.

When we call run(10), the value of the previous yield expression will be 10. So the value of x = 11.

and it encounters the next yield and null will get returned to run(10)

now when run(30) will get executed, 30 will get substituted for the yield expression and y = 31.

Then it encounters the next yield and (x + y) will be returned which is 42.

Till now everything was looking synchronous in generators.

Consider the below code:

 function getData(d) {
   setTimeout(function() {run(d);}, 1000);

 var run = coroutine(function* (){
   var x = 1 + (yield getData(10));
   var y = 1 + (yield getData(30));
   var answer = (yield getData('something: ' + (x + y)));



JQuery style Promises:

     var wait = jQuery.Deferred();
     var p = wait.promise();
     // this happens when we listen for an event
     // continuation event
     p.done(function(value) {
     // when we call resolve on Deferred, it will
     // automatically fires the 'done' event for 
     // any promises that are listening to it.
     }, 1000);


     function waitForN(n) {
       var d = $.Deferred();
       setTimeout(d.resolve, n);
       return d.promise();
     // promise gets returned from the 
     // waitForN function, and when we call
     // '.then' we are listening for the 
     // continuation event on that returned promise.
     waitForN(1000).then(function() {
       console.log('hello world');
       return waitForN(2000);

Promises un-invert the inversion of control

Prob: Make three request to fetch some data from files asynchronously, but display them in the given order.

Sol: For this problem we need to track the internal state of the call, if we are using callbacks.

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How event loop works in JS:

Our browser have following things:

  1. call stack (js runtime)
  2. WebAPIs (ex: setTimeout, DOM(document), ajax(XMLHttpRequest))
  3. event loop

Actually JS is single threaded. So when we execute some things such as the below code:

    console.log('hiii there');
    function foo() {
    function bar() {
    function baz() {

How these things are executed by the JS runtime is:

  1. At first main() will appear in the stack. main() is the anonymous function corresponding to the file itself.
  2. then console.log('hiii there') will appear in the stack.
  3. then baz()
  4. then console.log('hi')
  5. then bar()
  6. then console.log('there') and like that.

But consider the below code:

    console.log('hii there');
    setTimeout(function foo() {
      console.log('hello there')

How will this code gets executed?

When we check the 'call stack' we will find:

  1. console.log(hii there) will get executed.
  2. setTimeout(function foo() { console.log('hello there') }); will get executed but it will disappear from the stack before executing console.log('hello there').
  3. then console.log(hii) will get executed.

But where does that setTimeout function went?

Actually setTimeout is a function defined in WebAPI not in actual JS runtime.
So the function after leaving the call stack will enter into the WebAPI and that api will keep track of the timer. When the timer is complete, as it can not directly modify the call stack, it will throw the function into the event loop or task queue. Event loop has to wait till the stack is clear, before it can push the callback on the call stack. setTimeout is not a guaranteed time of execution, it is minimum time of execution.

When we block the stack with some slow work, the browser does not render, (render queue gets stopped).

So during that time, nothing will work, no buttons, no selection, nothing.

Where in case of asynchronous call, browser gets a chance to re-render after every call.


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