Ethereum Client written in Python
Initialize datadirectory with genesis block geth --datadir data1 init ./genesis.json
geth --datadir="data1" -verbosity 6 --port 30301 --rpc --rpccorsdomain "http://localhost:8545" --rpcapi "eth,web3,net" --networkid 123 console 2>> data1.log
Check existing account
eth.accounts [] personal.newAccount("vizeet") "0x9dfbb82464a0cf33bb37df9e5dbb7b2b8740c51b" eth.coinbase "0x9dfbb82464a0cf33bb37df9e5dbb7b2b8740c51b" eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 0 miner.start() null eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 21000000000000000000 miner.stop() true eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 54000000000000000000
On Terminal 2: initialize datadir and create genesis block geth --datadir="data2" --maxpeers=1 init genesis.json
start console geth --datadir="data2" -verbosity 6 --ipcdisable --port 30302 --rpcport 8102 --networkid 123 console 2>> data2.log Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!
check peer count on both terminals 0 get endpoint of node 1 (Terminal 1) admin.nodeInfo.enode "enode://eb1b16f13048382a797586f4390d8013629ace1d76be7bce207138fd58c24a8c8cb3c5d78077765f1c34e13a75119e12b094535f19b277dc34873d3dcbf4609e@[::]:30301"
Add Peer in Terminal 2
admin.addPeer("enode://eb1b16f13048382a797586f4390d8013629ace1d76be7bce207138fd58c24a8c8cb3c5d78077765f1c34e13a75119e12b094535f19b277dc34873d3dcbf4609e@[::]:30301") true
check peer on both terminal 1
Add Account Terminal 2
eth.accounts [] personal.newAccount("user2") "0xb9ce2c14e0e4ca784b08bda2c7b42ff533834e48" eth.accounts ["0xb9ce2c14e0e4ca784b08bda2c7b42ff533834e48"]
Mine eth into new account (Terminal 2)
eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 0 miner.start() null eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 33000000000000000000 miner.stop() true eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 54000000000000000000
function checkAllBalances() { web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) { accounts.forEach(function(id) { web3.eth.getBalance(id, function(err, balance) { console.log("" + id + ":\tbalance: " + web3.fromWei(balance, "ether") + " ether"); }); }); }); };
loadScript('checkBalances.js') true checkAllBalances() 0x9dfbb82464a0cf33bb37df9e5dbb7b2b8740c51b: balance: 54 ether undefined
contract mortal { /* Define variable owner of the type address */ address owner;
/* This function is executed at initialization and sets the owner of the contract */
function mortal() { owner = msg.sender; }
/* Function to recover the funds on the contract */
function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner); }
contract greeter is mortal { /* Define variable greeting of the type string */ string greeting;
/* This runs when the contract is executed */
function greeter(string _greeting) public {
greeting = _greeting;
/* Main function */
function greet() constant returns (string) {
return greeting;
compile this with solc solc -o target --bin --abi Greeter.sol
type JS statements in console var abi = ; var myContract = eth.contract(abi); var bytecode = '0x' + ; var txDeploy = {from:eth.coinbase, data: bytecode, gas: 1000000}; var myContractPartialInstance =;
// Mine block containing transaction...
var myContractInstance =;
Mine block again to get the contract into block
miner.start() null eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 84000000000000000000 miner.stop() true eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase) 111000000000000000000
Check if contract is mined
myContractInstance.address "0xbd6f768b23a5e305a83c19a0c8f1c767a53a2548"
Running greet
myContractInstance.greet() ""