React application Of NumSpy.
1. Clone Repo
2. Open Up terminal
3. Go into project folder
4. Type 'npm install'
5. After Completing installation process
type : 'npm start'
You will need to enable CORS in your Browser because this app is develop using numspy-api so send get request to Numspy.
so For Chrome there is extension available Allow-Control-allow-origin
download this extension and enable it.
And In Mozilla firefox download extension cors everywhere
TODO: please Help iF we can make this cors thing easier or remove this manual step.
Find details of any mobile number in India.
Video :
NumSpy :
NumSpy-Public API :
NumSpy-Android App :
To learn more about react please visit Reactjs
For more learning about how to work with API in React see this video:
Thanks to hamza mirza for a nice tutorial that really helped me while learning react.
NumSpy-Logo : Hariom Panchal
Numspy-react-UI design : Vishal Koshti