This is a cloned repository from MIT's distributed system course
This project uses Go Programming Language Following is the project directory structure:
├── go.mod
├── Makefile
└── src
├── kvraft
├── labgob
├── labrpc
├── main
├── models
├── mr
├── mrapps
├── porcupine
├── raft
├── shardkv
└── shardmaster
Testing word count application
[new terminal]
1. cd main
2. go build -buildmode=plugin ../mrapps/wc.go && go run mrmaster.go pg-*.txt
[another terminal]
1. cd main
2. go run mrworker.go
Testing all the application inside /mrapps/
1. sh ./
1. cd raft
2. go test run 2A / 2B or 2C