Custom tree for UI5 Web Components (tree with description)
npm i
npm run start
- Open http://localhost:8085/test-resources/pages/index.html in your browser.
Observe the "description" in the tree.
<ui5-custom-tree id="tree" no-data-text="No data" mode="None">
<ui5-custom-tree-item expanded description="Some description" text="Tree 1">
<ui5-custom-tree-item expanded description="Some description" text="Tree 1.1">
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 1.1.1"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 1.1.2"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 2">
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 2.1">
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 2.1.1"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 2.1.2">
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item description="Some description" text="Tree 2.2"></ui5-custom-tree-item>
<ui5-custom-tree-item expanded description="Some description" text="Tree 3 (no icon)">
You extend
, see the fileCustomTree.js
const metadata = { tag: "ui5-custom-tree", }; class CustomTree extends Tree { static get metadata() { return metadata; } static get template() { return CustomTreeTemplate; } static get styles() { return [Tree.styles, CustomTreeCss]; } }
and give it a new name
, provide a custom templateCustomTreeTemplate
, and as for styles: provide it the styles of the existing tree, plus your new stylesCustomTreeCss
You override the template, see
.This is a copy of the
template, but the content, slotted into theTreeListItem
changed from this:{{this.treeItem.text}}
to this:
<div class="custom-tree-box"> <div class="custom-tree-title">{{this.treeItem.text}}</div> <div class="custom-tree-description">{{this.treeItem.description}}</div> </div>
which is a more complex structure of title and description.
Everything else remains the same.
This new html is supported by the new CSS, see
.custom-tree-box {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.custom-tree-box>.custom-tree-title {
font-weight: bold;
.custom-tree-box>.custom-tree-description {
- And finally create your own tree item with a description property, see
const metadata = {
tag: "ui5-custom-tree-item",
properties: {
description: {
type: String,
class CustomTreeItem extends TreeItem {
static get metadata() {
return metadata;