This repository contains various certificates earned by Vladyslav Masokha.
Introduction to Python Sololearn - Certificate from Sololearn for Introduction to Python.
Git для розподіленої розробки програмного забезпечення - Git certificate from Prometheus.
VladyslavMasokha-CPA Programming Certificate - C++ certificate from Cisco.
Introduction to C++ Sololearn - Certificate from Sololearn for Introduction to C++.
Hillel, Front End Pro - Certificate from Hillel for Front End Pro.
RoboCode Java Level 1 Certificate - Certificate from RoboCode for Java Level 1.
RoboCode Start 2.0 Certificate - Certificate from RoboCode for Start 2.0.
RoboCode Web JavaScript Certificate - Certificate from RoboCode for Web JavaScript.
SoloLearn HTML Certificate - Certificate from SoloLearn for HTML.
SoloLearn JAVASCRIPT Certificate - Certificate from SoloLearn for JavaScript.
GoIT HTML Certificate - Certificate from GoIT for HTML.
VladyslavMasokha-Кібербезпека Certificate - Certificate for cybersecurity.