A TinySQL deployment tool inspired by TiUP.
go build
./tinyup -h
simple cluster operation tool
tinyup [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deploy deploy a local cluster
destroy destroy the cluster
help Help about any command
start start the cluster
stop stop the cluster
upgrade upgrade the cluster
-b, --binary_path string the binary path (default "./bin")
-d, --deploy_path string the deploy path (default "./bin/deploy")
-h, --help help for cluster
-n, --num int the number of the tinykv servers (default 3)
Use "cluster [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Before starting the cluster, deployment is required.
mkdir -p bin
cp {path-to-tinysql-binary} ./bin
cp {path-to-tinykv-binary} ./bin
cp {path-to-tinyscheduler-binary} ./bin
./tinyup deploy
./tinyup start
# After the cluster is ready, use mysql-client to connect to it
mysql -h -P4000 -uroot -Dtest
./tinyup stop
./tinyup destroy