Grants single sign-on access to users with a corporate account.
To use this function, the company needs a unique account_id and token which can be obtained from vLex web page, as explained in the related support topic
The main entry point is the remote_auth function.
This collects the parameters (either provided by the same user with a web form or included by the company with hidden fields) and returns the URL where the user should be redirected to enter vLex without explicitly signing in.
Download the remote_auth.php file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
$my_data = array("account_id" => "1234", "name" => "tester", "token" => "TOKEN", "email" => "");
Download the remote_auth.rb file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
data = {:account_id => "1234", :name => "tester", :token => "TOKEN", :email => ""}
Vlex::RemoteAuth::remote_auth data
Download the remote_auth.asp file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
redirect_to_remote_auth(name, email, account_id, token)
Download the sso-vlex.cfm file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
<cfset account_id = "1234">
<cfset token = "TOKEN">
<cfset name = "NAME">
<cfset email = "EMAIL">
<cfset startTime = "{ts '1970-01-01 00:00:00'}">
<cfset nowTime = now()>
<cfset seconds = dateDiff('s',startTime,nowTime)>
<cfset seconds = seconds + 10800>
<cfset tmp= name & email & account_id & token & seconds>
<cfset hash = LCase(Hash(tmp, "MD5"))>
<cfset link = "" & name & "&email=" & email & "&account_id=" & account_id & "×tamp=" & seconds & "&hash=" & hash>
Example coldfusion
Download the file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
<%@page import="java.util.HashMap,vlex.RemoteAuth"%>
HashMap<String,String >hash = new HashMap<String,String>(5);
hash.put("account_id","[ID CUENTA]");
Number current = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000;
String link = RemoteAuth.remote_auth(hash);
Example jsp
Download the file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
token = [token]
account_id = [ACCOUNT ID]
name = [USUARIO]
email = [E-MAIL]
Example Python
Download the RemoteAuth.cs file to your local server, then call the remote authentication function passing the appropriate parameters, for instance:
// Define a hash with the necessary parameters
Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
string tmp = "test@vlex.test";
hash.Add("account_id",[ACCOUNT_ID]); # Valor entero.
hash.Add("token",[TOKEN]); # String
// Get the parameters for the request (name,email,account_id,hash,sha256,timestamp)
Hashtable postdata = RemoteAuth.remote_auth(hash);
// Make the request to with the parameters obtained previously (by GET or POST)