This is a work-in-progress repository
This is a general workflow for ancestral reconstruction with links/tags to more detailed sections
Genome_selection First we select the genomes to use and download from NCBI/collect. This includes checking completeness checkm2_results and average nucleotide identity fastani_results #completeness #ani
Annotation Genomes here annotated using MetaErg2
#metaerg #annotation -
- Tree_of_mags a. tree_of_mags uses conserved single copy marker gene HMMs - same as used gtdb ~ 50. e.g, rRNA, etc
- Run raxml (a bit time-consuming)
- Reroot the species tree
- Finding Orthologs a. this is essentially a homology search. This script is going to produce 1000s of clusters of orthologs and paralogs
- Run MSA using clustalo
- IQtree fast bootstrap to produce gene trees
- Convert everything into ALEobjects