I wanted a simple, tint-free theme for my setup. I couldn't find one, so I started making my own. I created a black-and-white gradient but then fell down a rabbit hole choosing the remaining colors. I ended up selecting colors in GIMP using the LCH color space, so they should have the same brightness to the human eye. My OCD made sure that Dry Lab was perfect, but I'll probably make changes later anyway. So, enjoy.
Colors | Hex | LCH |
Red | #eda69e |
lch(75% 30 30) |
Yellow | #d4b383 |
lch(75% 30 75) |
Green | #aac088 |
lch(75% 30 120) |
Teal | #7ec8a9 |
lch(75% 30 165) |
Cyan | #6cc7d3 |
lch(75% 30 210) |
Blue | #8dbfee |
lch(75% 30 255) |
Purple | #c3b0e9 |
lch(75% 30 300) |
Magenta | #dea8d5 |
lch(75% 30 330) |
Lightness | Hex | HSL |
6% | #0f0f0f |
hsl(0, 0%, 6%) |
19% | #303030 |
hsl(0, 0%, 19%) |
31% | #4f4f4f |
hsl(0, 0%, 31%) |
44% | #707070 |
hsl(0, 0%, 44%) |
56% | #8f8f8f |
hsl(0, 0%, 56%) |
69% | #b0b0b0 |
hsl(0, 0%, 69%) |
81% | #cfcfcf |
hsl(0, 0%, 81%) |
94% | #f0f0f0 |
hsl(0, 0%, 94%) |
Number | Hex | HSL/LCH |
color0 | #0f0f0f |
hsl(0, 0%, 6%) |
color1 | #a5655f |
lch(50% 30 30) |
color2 | #697e49 |
lch(50% 30 120) |
color3 | #8f7145 |
lch(50% 30 75) |
color4 | #497ca8 |
lch(50% 30 255) |
color5 | #7f6fa3 |
lch(50% 30 300) |
color6 | #1c8490 |
lch(50% 30 210) |
color7 | #b0b0b0 |
hsl(0, 0%, 69%) |
color8 | #4f4f4f |
hsl(0, 0%, 31%) |
color9 | #eda69e |
lch(75% 30 30) |
color10 | #aac088 |
lch(75% 30 120) |
color11 | #d4b383 |
lch(75% 30 75) |
color12 | #8dbfee |
lch(75% 30 255) |
color13 | #c3b0e9 |
lch(75% 30 300) |
color14 | #6cc7d3 |
lch(75% 30 210) |
color15 | #f0f0f0 |
hsl(0, 0%, 94%) |
# Install git if it's not already installed
sudo pacman -S git
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/vnmdcvpfug/drylab.git
Move the files from the 'kitty' folder to ~/.config/kitty/themes
. Then run kitten themes
, search for 'Dry Lab Dark' and 'Dry Lab Light,' and select them as the dark and light mode themes, respectively.
Move the files from the 'wezterm' folder to ~/.config/wezterm/
. Then add these lines to your 'wezterm.lua':
config.colors = current_theme.colors
return config
Move the files from the 'zathura' folder to ~/.config/zathura
. Then add this line to your 'zathurarc':
include current-theme