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A boring theme based on the CIELAB color space


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An SVG image showing a row of eight smaller colored squares

Dry Lab

A boring theme


I wanted a simple, tint-free theme for my setup. I couldn't find one, so I started making my own. I created a black-and-white gradient but then fell down a rabbit hole choosing the remaining colors. I ended up selecting colors in GIMP using the LCH color space, so they should have the same brightness to the human eye. My OCD made sure that Dry Lab was perfect, but I'll probably make changes later anyway. So, enjoy.


An SVG image showing a row of eight colored squares, each labeled with their HEX and LCH values.

Colors Hex LCH
Red #eda69e lch(75% 30 30)
Yellow #d4b383 lch(75% 30 75)
Green #aac088 lch(75% 30 120)
Teal #7ec8a9 lch(75% 30 165)
Cyan #6cc7d3 lch(75% 30 210)
Blue #8dbfee lch(75% 30 255)
Purple #c3b0e9 lch(75% 30 300)
Magenta #dea8d5 lch(75% 30 330)

Black and white palette

An SVG image showing a row of eight squares transitioning from black to white, each labeled with their HEX and HSL values.

Lightness Hex HSL
6% #0f0f0f hsl(0, 0%, 6%)
19% #303030 hsl(0, 0%, 19%)
31% #4f4f4f hsl(0, 0%, 31%)
44% #707070 hsl(0, 0%, 44%)
56% #8f8f8f hsl(0, 0%, 56%)
69% #b0b0b0 hsl(0, 0%, 69%)
81% #cfcfcf hsl(0, 0%, 81%)
94% #f0f0f0 hsl(0, 0%, 94%)

Terminal palette

An SVG image showing two rows of 16 colored squares, each labeled with its number, HEX, HSL, and LCH values.

Number Hex HSL/LCH
color0 #0f0f0f hsl(0, 0%, 6%)
color1 #a5655f lch(50% 30 30)
color2 #697e49 lch(50% 30 120)
color3 #8f7145 lch(50% 30 75)
color4 #497ca8 lch(50% 30 255)
color5 #7f6fa3 lch(50% 30 300)
color6 #1c8490 lch(50% 30 210)
color7 #b0b0b0 hsl(0, 0%, 69%)
color8 #4f4f4f hsl(0, 0%, 31%)
color9 #eda69e lch(75% 30 30)
color10 #aac088 lch(75% 30 120)
color11 #d4b383 lch(75% 30 75)
color12 #8dbfee lch(75% 30 255)
color13 #c3b0e9 lch(75% 30 300)
color14 #6cc7d3 lch(75% 30 210)
color15 #f0f0f0 hsl(0, 0%, 94%)


# Install git if it's not already installed
sudo pacman -S git

# Clone this repository
git clone


Move the files from the 'kitty' folder to ~/.config/kitty/themes. Then run kitten themes, search for 'Dry Lab Dark' and 'Dry Lab Light,' and select them as the dark and light mode themes, respectively.


Move the files from the 'wezterm' folder to ~/.config/wezterm/. Then add these lines to your 'wezterm.lua':

config.colors = current_theme.colors
return config


Move the files from the 'zathura' folder to ~/.config/zathura. Then add this line to your 'zathurarc':

include current-theme
An SVG image featuring eight colored rectangles, with the words 'make russia small again' placed in the center of the middle four rectangles.