Releases: vosmont/Vera-Plugin-RulesEngine
Releases · vosmont/Vera-Plugin-RulesEngine
Version 0.20
New Features:
- Add action to change the value of a device variable.
- Add new condition of last update.
- Securing the call when checking a rule
- Bootstrap v4 compliant
- Add action wait ramdomly
- Ability to change the status of a condition (useful for debuging)
- RulesEngine.UI.addToolboxConfig added
- Action of type MQTT (need the plugin MQTT)
- RulesEngine.Tools.format
- New flag to start reminder on the start of the rule
- New way of getting rule's informations in view page (adaptative polling in function of network time response)
- Add new condition of type function.
- Add actions on condition on rule.
- Add actions and parameters on rule inverter.
- Show in view mode if the engine is stopped.
- Change checks on desynchronization.
Fixes and Improvements:
- Bug - Engine can not load rules if just one fail on LUA error
- Bug - Problem with restart of timers
- Bug - Rule panel is not always refreshed if a rule is deleted or added
- Bug - Scenes are not retrieved in distant mode
version 0.14
New Features:
- Management of relative times linked to sunrise/sunset in time condition.
/!\ The rules created in former version of RulesEngine and using time condition will have to be edited.
version 0.13.1
New Features:
- Adapt editor height to rule
- New device block for current device. Only compatible with action on device.
- New condition block for inverting a condition (NOT).
- Enhancement of internal filtering in blocks in the editor.
- Javascript errors are no more catched in debug mode.
- Show in the view mode the group of devices that are activating a condition.
- Show in the view mode the condition that could ON but are waiting a since modifier.
- Reduce the network footprint when getting informations on rules.
Fixes and Improvements:
- Bug - Order of insertion of the scheduled tasks is not respected
- Bug - Template goes under event in editor
- Bug - Arguments of event goes under actions in editor
- Bug - Regex for time condition is incorrect
- Bug - When selecting option days for time condition, the input for days is not here
- Bug - Crash with variable with stored timestamp
- Bug - Export and import XML is proposed in view mode