🍏🐧 Transparently transform the macOS CLI into a fresh GNU/Linux CLI experience.
A fast Java JSON schema validator that supports draft V4, V6, V7, V2019-09 and V2020-12
A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.
For when people get too hyped up about things
Scala macros for compile-time generation of safe and ultra-fast JSON codecs + circe booster
ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala
Collection of what I consider good practices in Http4s (WIP)
A library that provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run your tests against.
Random Data Generation and/or Property Testing in Scala & Scala.JS.
Scala library for managing immutable application model
A Docker build for Solr, to manage the official Docker hub solr image
Macros for simple/safe RPCs between Scala applications, including ScalaJS/ScalaJVM
A fork of the sbt-sass repository which seems to be abandoned.