Static web contents are taken from GitHub and send to the S3 bucket and then deployed using CloudFront Distribution. Everything automated by Jenkins.
- Environment used is Ubuntu18 in cloud9.
- Jenkins with Blue Ocean Plugin & Pipeline-AWS Plugin.
- AWS account with IAM role created.
- tidy installed.
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install ./jenkins_2.204.6_all.deb -y
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins
- Click on the “Credentials” link from the sidebar.
- Click on "(global)" from the list, and then "Add credentials" from the sidebar.
- Choose "AWS Credentials" from the dropdown, add ID, description and fill in the AWS Key and Secret Access Key generated when the IAM role was created.
- Create S3 Bucket, For "Set Permissions," uncheck the "Block all public access."
- Add the Bucket Policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::NAME_OF_BUCKET/*"
- Replace 'NAME_OF_BUCKET' with the bucket that was just created.
- Click on the "Properties" tab and then click on "Static website hosting".
- Click on "Use this bucket to host a website".
- For both "Index document" and "Error document", enter "index.html" and click "Save".
- In Jenkins, Click "Open Blue Ocean" and click "New Pipeline".
- Select GitHub from the options available, a token needs to be generated. A link to,read:user,user:email,write:repo_hook needs to be clicked to generate a token for Jenkins to use and Make sure you copy the token and save it.
- After pasting the token into the form in Jenkins, click "connect", and your account should show up.
- Next, select the repo that was created, and click "create pipeline."
- In the page where the job shows, there is a gear icon - click on it to edit the job directly. Find the "Scan repository triggers" and click on "Periodically if not otherwise run," and select an interval of 2 minutes.
- From the CloudFront dashboard, click "Create Distribution".
- For "Select a delivery method for your content", click "Get Started".
- Under "Origin Domain Name", select the S3 bucket that you just created.
- In "Viewer Protocol Policy", choose the "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS" option.
- Copy the endpoint URL for your CloudFront distribution found in the "Domain Name" column.
- Paste the copied endpoint URL and append “/index.html” on the end in the browser.