smarty-bot is a http/websocket/xmpp(gtalk) chat bot written in python.
It converts speech or chat commands into python actions.
It's going to be more than just a chat bot, it converts chat/speech commands into real actions
( turn on lights, make coffee, open door, remind me etc. ) .
- Register a new account for you bot at, for example
- git clone
- Edit core/config/
- Execute: docker-compose up -d
- Create database with command: docker exec -t smarty python core/people/
Login to your personal gtalk account , find bot's gtalk contact and say hi.
It's easy, just tell bot something like:
create a new reaction "say hello to me"
All necessary files will be created.
Find script under core/brain/say/hello/to/me/
Programm your script.
Check script by saving the file and asking bot: say hello to me
Your cool script will be executed.