This project aims at drawing insights from a given data set of Ads Airing. The project is a detailed study of the TV ads airing brand and their ads placements. SQL and Excel was useed to draw insights.
Case Study Objectives:
A.What is Pod Position? Does the Pod position number affect the amount spent on Ads for a specific period of time by a company? B.What is the share of various brands in TV airings and how has it changed from Q1 to Q4 in 2021? C.Conduct a competitive analysis for the brands and define advertisement strategy of different brands and how it differs across the brands. D.Mahindra and Mahindra wants to run a digital ad campaign to complement its existing TV ads in Q1 of 2022. Based on the data from 2021, suggest a media plan to the CMO of Mahindra and Mahindra. Which audience should they target? *Assume XYZ Ads has the ad viewership data and TV viewership for the people in India.