Host Patrol (hostpatrol
) is a command-line application to retrieve
information from remote hosts. The information is retrieved over SSH
by executing small scripts. Then, the information is compiled into
JSON to be further analysed or visualised on its Website.
The report contains following information for each host:
- Hardware resources: (v)CPU count, total RAM, root filesystem disk size
- Kernel information
- Linux distribution information as in os-release
- List of all Docker containers (in all states)
- List of systemd services
- List of systemd timers
- List of authorised SSH public keys found on the host
- Cloud information: (if any)
- Cloud provider name
- Host instance identifier
- Host type
- Region
- Availability zone
- Local hostname
- Local address
- Remote hostname
- Remote address
- Reserved address
Currently, the easiest way to install the command-line application is via Nix:
nix profile install --file<VERSION>.tar.gz app
Alternatively, you can use the statically compiled binary distributed along with each release (Linux x86_64 only).
assumes that you are able to connect to remote hosts via SSH:
ssh my-host
Indeed, hostpatrol
uses ssh
under the hood. Therefore, if you can ssh
you can hostpatrol
If you are using SSH public key authentication to connect to host and your SSH private key is password-protected, use SSH-agent and unlock your private key first.
You can pass hosts via CLI arguments:
hostpatrol compile --host my-host-1 --host my-host-2 > /tmp/hostpatrol-report.json
This command connects to hosts in parallel and ignores all failed hosts by reporting errors in the output.
If you want to change the number of maximum number of threads to use for concurrent patrol tasks, do so with
option that defaults to4
otherwise:hostpatrol compile --threads 10 --host my-host-1 --host my-host-2 ... > /tmp/hostpatrol-report.json
Alternatively, you can use a configuration file which has additional benefit of attaching static information to your hosts such as external documentation URL and/or tags, and using SSH configuration instead of plain host name. The configuration file looks like as follows:
## config.yaml
## List of known SSH public keys for all hosts.
- gh:some-github-user
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKq9bpy0IIfDnlgaTCQk0YhKyKFqInRjoqeIPlBuiFwS test-key-admin
## List of hosts to patrol
- ## Name of the host (required)
name: somehost
## SSH configuration (optional)
## SSH destination (required)
destination: root@
## SSH options (optional)
options: ["-i", "/keys/hebele.pri"]
## External identifier of the host (optional)
id: 20b88669-743f-4ae5-9823-5aacc2df7086
## External URL for the host (optional)
url: https://internal.documentation/hosts/somehost
## List of tags for the host (optional)
- oranges
- strawberries
## Arbitrary JSON data for the host (optional)
owner: Client-1
cost: 50
## List of known SSH public keys for the host (optional)
- gh:another-github-user
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGmlBxUagOqtWcW6B77TUL8li85ZNYx0tphd3TSx4SEB test-key-tenant
- name: otherhost
url: https://internal.documentation/hosts/otherhost
- apples
- strawberries
Then, you can use this configuration file instead of specifying hosts individually on the command-line:
hostpatrol compile --config config.yaml > /tmp/hostpatrol-report.json
..., or mix with --host
hostpatrol compile --config config.yaml --host a-host --host b-host > /tmp/hostpatrol-report.json
Users can process/analyse the JSON output themselves or use Website to list, tabulate and visualise the information.
The Website stores the report locally in the Web browser using local storage. It is not sent to any third party service. You can study the Website source-code that is automatically published to GitHub Pages.
The codebase comes with a Nix shell. You can use direnv
for convenience:
direnv allow
Big, long format, lint, build and test command for the impatient:
hpack &&
direnv reload &&
fourmolu -i app/ src/ test/ &&
prettier --write . &&
find . -iname "*.nix" -not -path "*/nix/sources.nix" -and -not -path "*/website/node_modules/*.nix" -print0 | xargs --null nixpkgs-fmt &&
hlint app/ src/ test/ &&
cabal build -O0 &&
cabal run -O0 hostpatrol -- --version &&
cabal v1-test &&
cabal haddock -O0
For testing and building:
Copyright © 2024 Vehbi Sinan Tunalioglu. This work is licensed under MIT License.