This library provides an abstraction similar to the Datomic Entity API, but enhanced with additional capabilities:
- derived data
- allow for other source of truths than Datomic Database values
- allow for other identifiers than Datomic idents
- allow for other value types than what Datomic can store
- polymorphism - TODO does this need to be provided by a library, or should the implement it on top of derived data using multimethods / protocols ?
- getters (i.e keys with arguments) - TODO is this really such a good idea ? (Val, 20 May 2017)
Helps you put a healthy indirection between your business logic and the schema of your Datomic storage, which yields better evolvability.
Derived data is often a necessity for business logic, but the business logic usually needn't know the difference between what information is derived and what information is stored.
Tools like GraphQL implementations / server-side Om Next parsers can help you offer derived data, but they will typically make it available at the boundary between your server and your clients, i.e in a place where only your clients can leverage it. But it can be useful to make such derived data available at the foundation of your business logic; then both your serverside business logic and your implementation client-serving tools can benefit from .
TODO is there such a difference between this and what a lib like Plumatic/Graph can offer, once you've taken Datomic out?
- yup, maybe polymorphism, (assuming you really need polymorphism to be implemented in this way).
- maybe also getters, but you may implement those by putting memoized functions as values anyway
- essentially, the distinction between scalar and ref values
TODO should derived ref attributes receive an entity or an eid ?
- rename to Onodrim
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.