Here are my dotfiles because people keep asking for them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(please create a github issue if you have any problems)
- Window Manager -
- Terminal -
- Bar & Action Center -
- Launcher -
- File Manager -
- Browser -
i do not recommend looking at the bash scripts that i made
You need to install these dependencies using paru or your preferred AUR helper:
paru -S swayfx eww dunst tiramisu wezterm rofi imagemagick playerctl polkit-kde-agent xdg-desktop-portal thunar thunar-archive-plugin noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd papirus-icon-theme pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack wireplumber gst-plugin-pipewire pavucontrol sensors rofi-bluetooth autotiling swaybg viewnior
Optional stuff:
paru -S code firefox spotify-player-full
Clone the repo:
git clone
Copy the config files to their appropiate locations:
cp -r dotfiles/* ~/.config/
Delete the cloned repo folder:
rm -rf dotfiles
One liner:
git clone && cp -r dotfiles/* ~/.config/ && rm -rf dotfiles
- cleaning up the extremely messy eww files
- animating the panels (lazy)
music control section above the "currently playing" widgetmaking the music widget actually disappear instead of saying "Nothing is currently playing" (setting the musicstatus string to "" just gives you an empty circle)- changable accent color
- switching to something cleaner than thunar
using something more "riceable" than dunstnotification centercalendarlight mode??