**vzaar.jQuery takes several popular applications of our JavaScript API and wraps them up in a handy plugin for your enjoyment and edification.**
Download and extract the zip file.
Upload it to your server
Link to the CSS in your header:
<link href="css/vzaar.jQuery.min.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Link to the JavaScript files at the foot of your HTML
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/vzaar.jQuery-0.1.min.js"></script> <script src="js/flashtakt.client.min.js"></script>
4a. Or go the CDN-hosted route
<link href="//libs.vzaar.com/js/assets/vzaar.jQuery-0.1.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="//libs.vzaar.com/js/vzaar.jQuery-0.1.min.js"></script> <script src="//libs.vzaar.com/js/flashtakt/client.min.js"></script>
Embed a vzaar video and tell us you need the JavaScript API
<iframe allowFullScreen allowTransparency="true" class="video-player" frameborder="0" height="432" id="vzvd-918833" mozallowfullscreen name="vzvd-918833" src="http://view.vzaar.com/918833/player?apiOn=true" title="video player" type="text/html" webkitAllowFullScreen width="768"> </iframe>
###Chapterizer This takes a list of timecodes in seconds and creates links to points in your video.
Basic usage:
$(window).load(function() {
chapters : [0, 28, 79],
titles : ["Intro", "Another chapter", "The end!"]
All options:
chapters : [0, 28, 79],
titles : ["Intro", "Another chapter", "The end!"],
orientation : "horizontal", // horizontal or vertical list layout.
position : "bottom", // positioning of the list -
// top, left, bottom or right.
appendTimes : true, // appends the timecode to each
// chapter title in 00:00 format.
chapterNumbers : true // prepends the chapter titles
// with the chapter number.
###Bookmarkifier This adds a bookmarking option to your video, that stores the saved timecode in a cookie.
Basic usage:
$(window).load(function() {
All options:
persistent : true, // autosave on window close
message : "Are you sure?" // custom message if persistent is on
###Playcountattacher Displays the video's playcount below the video. Please note: this only works with public videos.
Basic usage:
$(window).load(function() {
###Prerollinator Plays another of your vzaar videos as preroll.
Basic usage:
$(window).load(function() {
pre : "1096251"
All options:
pre : "1096251", // vzaar video id
prevars : "disableControls=true&hideControls=true", // flashvars for preroll
mainvars : "brandText=Hello!&brandLink=http://vzaar.com" // flashvars for main video
###Postrollinator Plays another of your vzaar videos as... you guessed it... postroll.
Basic usage:
$(window).load(function() {
post : "1192459"
All options:
post : "1192459",
postvars : "endText=Goodbye!&endLink=http://vzaar.com" // flashvars for postroll
###Chaining The Prerollinator and Postrollinator can be chained together. The Chapterizer, Bookmarkifier and Playcountattacher can also be chained. Chaining the Pre/Postrollinator to the other methods will lead to misery.
$(window).load(function() {
pre : "1096251"
post : "1192459"
/* ---- */
chapters : [0, 28, 79],
titles : ["Intro", "Another chapter", "The end!"]
###Compatibility ####Flash Chrome, Firefox, IE8+ ####HTML5 Most things should work, but might not on iDevices, due to Steve Jobs 👻