This is my own personal journey exploring
- UI Testing (KAKAO)
- Integrated Testing
- Unit Testing
The project utilises Kakao for it's UI testing. The project is based on tips taken from the raywenderlich (article on ui testing with kakao)
The app so far has functionalities to test for
- Presence of Views with certain IDs
- Interaction with some of these views
- Testing for Intents
- Testing for Intents with returned results
- Implement Test Runners to mock network calls with populated data
- Testing Recyclerviews with a scroll to functionality
This is based loosely on an article by Birat Rai (getting started with testing) Ravi Garbuja Pun Integrated testing - pending
This will split the tests in two groups, that is:
- local tests
- integration tests
Testing will be based on th