Creates Debian Package that set's up DHCP, NFS, and TFTP service on NX to allow for PXE booting a RPI4. Build's out RPI overlay rootfs and boot files inside package.
The produced Debian package is used by wildnode-image to produce the Wild Waggle Node NX Build.
To build a version of this debian package simply run the script:
In return, the script will return a versioned sage-rpi-pxeboot debian package.
For example: sage-rpi-pxeboot_0.0.2.local-48b5c7d_all.deb
Note: the resulting Debian package retains the 'sage' name to ensure backwards compatibility
If you wanted to install this debian-package to allow for an rpi to pxe-boot off of your machine, simply use the dpkg -i option.
For example:
dpkg -i sage-rpi-pxeboot_0.0.2.local-48b5c7d_all.deb
Following the execution of this command, all services and files neccessary for pxe-booting will be on your machine. To confirm,
cat /etc/sage-utils/dhcp-pxe/version
This version should match the filename of the deb package installed (besides the _all.deb).
If you want to confirm your rpi is pxe-booting, you can observe this via:
tcpdump -vvv -i eth0
As a flurry of messages should pass containing the word .nfs, what's happening is that the rootfs is being served over to the rpi via nfs.
- - How to create and flash the RPi SD card image to enable net PxE booting
- - Note about this reference, it contains many unneccesary time-consuming steps but was very helpful nonetheless.