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Windows Installation

wagwan piffting edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 6 revisions

Windows Installation

We will start by visiting Laragon's download page and downloading the "Full" version of Laragon. Depending on your internet connection and other factors, this may take a while.

Laragon Download Page

Next, follow the instructions for Laragon's installer. It's pretty self-explanatory, but if in doubt, leave it alone and click "next". Once done, leave "Open Laragon" checked and click Finish.

Now, we need to change some things about Laragon before we proceed. We need to first enable the two pgsql extensions for PHP so that we can talk to the database. Click Menu in the top left corner of the Laragon window, then hover over PHP, then Extensions, then click pdo_pgsql. Repeat this process once more for the similarly named pgsql extension.

Then comes installing PostgreSQL, which is made easy by the Quick Add menu. Click Menu > Tools > Quick Add > postgresql-14. Wait for the window that pops up to close. You will get a desktop notification telling you installation is complete once you do this. Please note that this is a required step! CCIDB will NOT work without PostgreSQL installed!

Now comes downloading the code for CCIDB so we can put it into Laragon to run. Make sure you download the code from the "Releases" tab on the side of the main GitHub page! Also, make sure you are using the latest release (tagged with a green "Latest" label), as only the latest release is supported for bug reports and feature requests.

GitHub homepage

Releases page

Next, extract the contents of the folder "ccidb_source" into the Laragon "www" folder. You can click the "root" button in Laragon to get to the www folder very quickly and easily.

We now need to change out the credentials we will use for accessing the database in case of emergencies. Open the folder requires in www, then open the database.php file with a text editor. Change the top 2 lines to be what you want your PostgreSQL credentials to be.

$_SESSION['postgres_username'] = 	  'YOUR_DIFFERENT_USERNAME_HERE'; //This should be a username you will ONLY use in case of database emergencies.
$_SESSION['postgres_password'] = 	  'YOUR_DIFFERENT_PASSWORD_HERE'; //This should be a password you will ONLY use in case of database emergencies.

For example, if I want "wagwan" to be my username, and "piffting" to be my password, those lines above would look like this:

$_SESSION['postgres_username'] = 	  'wagwan';
$_SESSION['postgres_password'] = 	  'piffting';

Make sure you save your changes! Now, we are ready to finally run CCIDB for the first time. Just click the "Start All" button in Laragon, accept any Windows Firewall prompts that may pop up, and finally click the "Web" button.

If you see the following screen, you should be good to go!

Initializer Screen

If for whatever reason you do NOT see the above screen, or if after filling in your details and clicking "Proceed" you see any errors preventing you from using CCIDB, make an issue on the repo and I will look into it.

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