Make dom resizeable
yarn add dom-resizeable
npm install dom-resizeable
// use as commonjs
const Resize = require("dom-resizeable");
// use as ES module
import Resize from "dom-resizeable";
// create resize control ui
const resizeControl = new Resize(document.body, {
width: 100,
height: 100,
dragable: true,
const div = document.querySelector("#div");
// bind resize control ui to dom element
const instance = new Resize(container, options);
// parent element for mount resize ui dom
// resize ui config
options = {
width: 0, // ui control default width
height: 0, // ui control default height
draggable: false, // ui control can be drag move
hideCheckIcon: false, // whether hide confirm icon
handleSize: 8, // ui control handle size(px)
onConfirm(e) {
// confirm icon clicked
instance.bindEditTarget(domElement, options)
// target dom element to resize
// element resize config
options = {
lockAspectRatio: false, // whether lock aspect ratio when resizing