My first profession is Industrial Civil Engineering graduated at the University of Santiago de Chile. In recent years I have specialized as Data Analyst and as Front End Developer and Fullstack Javascript Developer. The medium-term objective is to deepen javascript creating more complex projects from various platforms and obtain certifications. The long-term goal is to become fullstack developer in Python, PHP and Java and for that I have self-managed learning paths prepared.
Year 2002-2007: Instituto Nacional José Miguel Carrera mathematical orientation graduated with an average of 6.0 out of 7.0
Year 2008-2015: Industrial Civil Engineering Graduated with an average of 6.4 out of 7.0
🎓 Data Analyst by Coursera and IBM
🎓 Data Analyst in Power BI by Microsoft
🎓 PCEP (Python Certified Entry-Level Programmer) Python Institute
🎓 Front End Developer by Oracle Next Education
🎓 JSE (JavaScript Entry Level Programmer) JavaScript Institute
🎓 Professional Certificate in Business Model Canvas
🎓 Certified JavaScript Developer by W3Schools
🎓 Freecodecamp Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification
🎓 Data Analyst in Power BI Certification by Microsoft renewed for 1 more year
🎓 Completion Oracle Next Education Program in full: especialización Front End y Alumni One
🎓 Freecodecamp Responsive Web Design Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Front End Development Libraries Certification
🎓 Hacker Rank Frontend Developer (React) Certificate
🎓 Freecodecamp Back End Development and APIs Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Data Visualization Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Quality Assurance Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Legacy Information Security and Quality Assurance Certification
🎓🎯🏆 Freecodecamp Legacy Full Stack Certification
🎓 Desafío Latam Fullstack Javascript Trainee
🎓🎯🏆 Freecodecamp Legacy Front End Certification
🎓 Data Analyst in Power BI Certification by Microsoft renewed for 1 more year (2024-2025)
🎓 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Relational Database Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Scientific Computing with Python Certification
🎓 Freecodecamp Data Analysis with Python Certification
-Views of my profile:
I have generated the upper snake animation thanks to the available repository here in dark and normal version