####Build Podcast is a show about technology tools for design and development. Each week, Sayanee will be creating a screencast that will take you through step-by-step in using one tool to build a little project, all in the fun spirit of hacking, creating and building stuff!
Each episode uses a MAC OS X Mountain Lion operating system in a MacBook Pro machine and assumes that the viewer has an intermediate level in development of software/hardware to pick up new tools for building stuff.
Why a show on tools you might ask? Because humans are essentially tools builders, and we have an immense chance to shape our envionment in that way.
We shape our tools and then our tools shape us. ~ Marshall McLuhan
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds. ~ Steve Jobs
##Equipment and tools used for the screencasts:
- C01U USB Studio Condensor Microphone generously gifted by Preetam Rai
- Quicktime to record the screencasts
- iMovie to edit the screencasts
Many thanks to my friends (fellow developers and designers) for their tips and tricks that I constantly pick up and feed back into the podcast: Veronica, Wolfgang, Thomas, Sebastiaan, Uzyn, Michael, Chinmay.