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Nginx module to expose querystring parameters sorted in a variable to be used on cache_key as example


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Nginx Sorted Querystring Module

This Nginx module orders the querystring parameters of an HTTP request alphanumerically and makes the sorted key-value pairs accessible using an Nginx variable.

Requests like /index.html?b=2&a=1&c=3, /index.html?b=2&c=3&a=1, /index.html?c=3&a=1&b=2, /index.html?c=3&b=2&a=1 will produce the same normalized querystring a=1&b=2&c=3 which can be accessed within Nginx using the $sorted_querystring_args variable.

This is especially useful if you want to normalize the querystring to be used in a cache key, for example when used with the proxy_cache_key directive.

It is also possible to remove one or more undesired query parameters by defining their name with the sorted_querysting_filter_parameter directive, like sorted_querystring_filter_parameter <parameter_name> [<parameter_name> <parameter_name> ...];.

This module is not distributed with the Nginx source. See the installation instructions.


An example:

pid         logs/;
error_log   logs/nginx-main_error.log debug;

worker_processes    2;

events {
  worker_connections  1024;
  #use                 kqueue; # MacOS
  use                 epoll; # Linux

http {
  default_type    text/plain;

  types {
    text/html   html;

  log_format main  '[$time_local] $host "$request" $request_time s '
                 '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '
                 'cache_status: "$upstream_cache_status" args: "$args '
                 'sorted_args: "$sorted_querystring_args" ';

  access_log       logs/nginx-http_access.log;

  proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=zone:10m inactive=10d max_size=100m;

  server {
    listen          8080;
    server_name     localhost;

    access_log       logs/nginx-http_access.log main;

    location /filtered {
      sorted_querysting_filter_parameter v _ time b;

      proxy_set_header Host "static_files_server";
      proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;

      proxy_cache zone;
      proxy_cache_key "$sorted_querystring_args";
      proxy_cache_valid 200 1m;

    location / {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;

      proxy_cache zone;
      proxy_cache_key "$sorted_querystring_args";
      proxy_cache_valid 200 10m;

  server {
    listen          8081;

    location / {
      return 200 "$args\n";


  • $sorted_querystring_args - just list the IP considered as remote IP on the connection


  • sorted_querystring_filter_parameter - list parameters to be filtered while using the $sorted_querystring_args variable.

Installation Instructions

Download Nginx Stable source and uncompress it (ex.: to ../nginx). You must then run ./configure with --add-module pointing to this project as usual. Something in the lines of:

$ ./configure \
    --add-module=../nginx-sorted-querystring-module \
$ make
$ make install

Running Tests

This project uses nginx_test_helper on the test suite. So, after you've installed the module, you can just download the necessary gems:

$ cd test
$ bundle install

And run rspec pointing to where your Nginx binary is (default: /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx):

$ NGINX_EXEC=../path/to/my/nginx rspec .


This is still a work in progress. Be the change. And take a look on the Changelog file.


Nginx module to expose querystring parameters sorted in a variable to be used on cache_key as example







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