koa middleware, expose api for collecting node runtime info.
npm install --save zan-trace
const Koa = require('koa');
const trace = require('zan-trace');
const app = new Koa();
url: /perf/{key}
"arch": "Operating system CPU architecture for which the Node.js binary was compiled.",
"platform": "Operating system platform as set during compile time of Node.js.",
"endianness": "Return the endianness of the CPU for which the Node.js binary was compiled.",
"uptime": "System uptime in number of seconds.",
"release": "Operating system release.",
"type": "Operating system name",
"user": "Return information about the currently effective user.",
"cpus": "Return an array of objects containing information about each CPU/core installed.",
"cpu": "Current CPU load.",
"totalmem": "Total amount of system in bytes.",
"freemem": "Amount of free system memory in bytes.",
"memory": "Returns an object describing the memory usage of the Node.js process measured in bytes.",
"gc": "Return gc space info.",
"snapshot": "Generate heap snapshot record file.",
"profile": "Generate cpu profile record file.",
"forcegc": "Manually excute gc.",
"version": "Return an object describing the versions of node deps.",
"pid": "Return PID of this application.",
"memwatch": "Record gc count.",
"report": "Get human-readable diagnostic summary.",
"module": 'Get dependency tree of modules.'