This program allows a user to play against an Artifical Oppoenent in a game of Go Fish, Crazy Eight's or War.
I created this project to create an application that allows users to play one of three cards of their choice against an aritfical opponenent. In addition, I wanted to test my ability to create code that deals with the compelxity of card games programs while also reusing as much code as possible.
Finished with no plan to expand at this time.
The app was created using Eclipse. Hence, the Java files can be found in CardCity/src/.
When reading the code you will immediately notice the app was created with an object orientated approach that provides encapsulation of objects like Card, BackImage, and PlayingStackofCards to name a few. In addition, multiple data structures such as queues and stacks were used.
You can install the app by pulling the file and running it through eclipse or running CardCity.jar