This example implements matrix-matrix multiplication and outputs a 16 x 16 matrix: C = αAB + βC, where, A, B, and C are all 16 x 16 matrices.
The following lists the key functions involved in this sample.
- aclInit: initializes AscendCL.
- aclFinalize: deinitializes AscendCL.
Device management
- aclrtSetDevice: sets the compute device.
- aclrtGetRunMode: obtains the run mode of the Ascend AI Software Stack. The internal processing varies with the run mode.
- aclrtResetDevice: resets the compute device and cleans up all resources associated with the device.
Stream management
- aclrtCreateStream: creates a stream.
- aclrtDestroyStream: destroys a stream.
- aclrtSynchronizeStream: waits for stream tasks to complete.
Memory management
- aclrtMallocHost: allocates host memory.
- aclrtFreeHost: frees host memory.
- aclrtMalloc: allocates device memory.
- aclrtFree: frees device memory.
Data transfer
- aclrtMemcpy: copies memory.
Single-operator execution
- aclblasGemmEx: implements matrix-matrix multiplication. You can specify the data types of the elements in the matrices. A matrix-matrix multiplication operator GEMM has been encapsulated in the aclblasGEMMEx API.
- Ascend Tensor Compiler (ATC): builds the GEMM operator description (including the input and output tensor description and operator attributes) into an offline model (.om file) that adapts to the Ascend AI Processor, to verify the GEMM execution result.
The sample directory is organized as follows:
├── inc
│ ├── common.h //Header file that declares common functions (such as file reading function)
│ ├── gemm_runner.h //Header file that declares the functions related to matrix multiplication
├── run
│ ├── out
│ │ ├──test_data
│ │ │ ├── config
│ │ │ │ ├── acl.json //Configuration file for system initialization
│ │ │ │ ├── gemm.json //Description information file of the matrix multiplication operator
│ │ │ ├── data
│ │ │ │ ├── //Data used to generate matrix A and matrix B
├── src
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt //Build script
│ ├── common.cpp //Implementation file of common functions (such as the file reading function)
│ ├── gemm_main.cpp //Implementation file of the main function
│ ├── gemm_runner.cpp //Implementation file for executing functions related to matrix multiplication
- OS and architecture: CentOS x86_64, CentOS AArch64, Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64, Ubuntu 18.04 aarch64, EulerOS x86, EulerOS AArch64
- Compiler: g++ or aarch64-linux-gnu-g++
- SoC: Ascend 310 AI Processor, Ascend 710 AI Processor, Ascend 910 AI Processor
- Python version and dependency library: Python 3.7.5
- Ascend AI Software Stack deployed
Configuring Environment Variables in the Development Environment
The CANN portfolio provides a process-level environment variable setting script to automatically set environment variables. The following commands are used as examples
. ${HOME}/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/
Replace $HOME/Ascend with the actual Ascend-CANN-Toolkit installation path.
Operator building requires Python installation. The following takes Python 3.7.5 as an example. Run the following commands as a running user to set the environment variables related to Python 3.7.5.
# Set tje Python3.7.5 library path. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/python3.7.5/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # If multiple Python 3 versions exist in the user environment, specify Python 3.7.5. export PATH=/usr/local/python3.7.5/bin:$PATH
Replace the Python 3.7.5 installation path as required. You can also write the preceding commands to the ~/.bashrc file and run the source ~/.bashrc command to make the modification take effect immediately.
In the development environment, set environment variables and configure the header search path and library search path on which the build of the AscendCL single-operator verification program depends.
The build script searches for the required header files and libraries through the paths specified by the environment variables. Replace $HOME/Ascend with the actual Ascend-CANN-Toolkit installation path.
If the development environment operating system architecture is x86, the configuration example is as follows:
export DDK_PATH=$HOME/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/x86_64-linux export NPU_HOST_LIB=$DDK_PATH/acllib/lib64/stub
If the running environment operating system architecture is AArch64, the configuration example is as follows:
export DDK_PATH=$HOME/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/arm64-linux export NPU_HOST_LIB=$DDK_PATH/acllib/lib64/stub
Configuring Environment Variables in the Running Environment
If Ascend-CANN-Toolkit is installed in the running environment, set the environment variable as follows:
. ${HOME}/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/
If Ascend-CANN-NNRT is installed in the running environment, set the environment variable as follows:
. ${HOME}/Ascend/nnrt/
If Ascend-CANN-NNAE is installed in the running environment, set the environment variable as follows:
. ${HOME}/Ascend/nnae/
Replace $HOME/Ascend with the actual component installation path.
Convert your model.
Log in to the development environment as the running user.
Build the operator description information (.json file) of the matrix-matrix multiplication operator into an offline model (.om file) that adapts to the Ascend AI Processor.
Run the following command in the acl_execute_gemm directory (take Ascend310 as an example):
atc --singleop=run/out/test_data/config/gemm.json --soc_version=Ascend310 --output=run/out/op_models
- --singleop: directory of the single-operator definition file (.json)
- --soc_version: SoC version, either Ascend310 or Ascend710.
- Ascend 310 AI Processor, set this parameter to Ascend310.
- Ascend 710 AI Processor, set this parameter to Ascend710.
- Ascend 910 AI Processor, set this parameter to Ascend910A or Ascend910B or Ascend910ProA or Ascend910ProB or Ascend910PremiumA. Pro or Premium indicate the performance improvement level. A or B indicate PartialGood level. Select a value based on the site requirements.
- --output: directory for storing the generated .om file, that is, the run/out/op_models directory.
Build the code.
Log in to the development environment as the running user.
Go to the /run/out/test_data/data directory under the sample directory and run the script. The data files matrix_a.bin of matrix A, matrix_b.bin of matrix B, and matrix_c.bin of matrix C are generated to the run/out/test_data/data directory.
Data in the output.bin file generated in the run/out/test_data/data directory is the matrix-matrix multiplication result calculated using the formula in the script and is not used as the input data of this sample.
Go to the sample directory and create a directory for storing build outputs. For example, the directory created in this sample is build/intermediates/device.
mkdir -p build/intermediates/host
Go to the build/intermediates/host directory and run the cmake command.
Replace ../../../src with the actual directory of CMakeLists.txt.
Set DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH to TRUE, rpath (path specified by NPU_HOST_LIB) is not added to the executable generated after build. The executable automatically looks up for dynamic libraries in the path included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If the operating system architecture of the development environment is the same as that of the running environment, run the following commands to perform compilation.
cd build/intermediates/host cmake ../../../src -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=TRUE
If the operating system architecture of the development environment is different from that of the running environment, run the following commands to perform cross compilation.
For example, if the development environment is x86 and the running environment is AArch64 , run the following command:
cd build/intermediates/host cmake ../../../src -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=TRUE
Run the **make **command. The execute_gemm_op executable file is generated in /out under the sample directory.
Run the app.
As the running user, upload the sample folder in the development environment to the operating environment (host), for example, $HOME/acl_execute_gemm.
Log in to the operating environment (host) as the running user.
Go to the directory where the executable file execute_gemm_op is located (for example, $HOME/acl_execute_gemm/out) and grant execute permission on the execute_gemm_op file in the directory.
chmod +x execute_gemm_op
Go to the directory where the executable file execute_gemm_op is located (for example, $HOME/acl_execute_gemm/out) and run the executable file.
After the command is executed successfully, the data of matrix A and matrix B, and the matrix-matrix multiplication result are displayed in the terminal window. In addition, a matrix_c.bin file that stores the matrix-matrix multiplication result is generated in the result_files directory.